Merry Wanderer of the Night + weekly geeks

Weekly Geeks 2009-06: What's in a Name?

For this week's edition of Weekly Geeks, we're going to take a closer look at character names. What are some of your favorite character names?

Go to Google or a baby name site like this one or this one, and look up a favorite character's name. What does their name mean? Do you think the meaning fits the character? Why or why not?

If you'd like, look up your own name as well and share the meaning.

Create your post and come back here to sign Mr. Linky. Be sure to enter the direct URL to your post, not your blog's main URL.

Most of all, have fun and remember to stop in and say hi to other Weekly Geeks!

TIME, and more:

Weekly Geeks 2009-06: What's in a Name? + weekly geeks