Merry Wanderer of the Night + WG round-up

Round-up for Weekly Geeks 2009-13

In honor of International Children's Book Day and National Poetry Month, we had a wide variety of geekly choices this week, and it was fun to see geeks running off in all different directions to comply (many were so inspired they did two challenges!).

For children's literature, Claire takes us down memory lane with a revue of favorite children's poetry, and GreenBeanTeenQueen, shares fond memories of the books she would have picked if she'd ever been on Reading Rainbow. Meanwhile, Melody shares a touching story about how a reading the picture book You Are All My Favorites together is helping her daughter adjust to having a baby in the family.

The poets among us include Unfinished Person and Covers Girl, who share poems about reading, and newcomer Sam, whose poem contains images of marines (in their little berets) scouting out his brain for suitable words.

I loved the way Jodie of Book Gazing used the haiku idea as a sort of "Get Out of Jail Free card" of a book she can't seem to finish. And please welcome Calissa, who wrote a haiku review for a Phillipa Gregory book.

Thanks to all who participated this week!


love story, TIME, and more:

Round-up for Weekly Geeks 2009-13 + WG round-up