Merry Wanderer of the Night + TIME

Memory Monday — LINDSI!!

Hey guys!! Lindsi from Books, Sweets and Other Treats is here with me today! I'm so excited that Lindsi wanted to participate in my Memory Monday feature. She was one of the very first people I started talking to regularly on Twitter and I still laugh myself silly whenever I think of our first big conversation. 'Like the surprise inside.':)

Make sure you check out Lindsi's blog! I love it, hardcore. She reads awesome books, writes great reviews and also includes absolutely delicious recipes of all sorts of yumminess.:) Also, today I'm featured on her blog. Trading spotlights here.:) So make sure you stop by! Meet Lindsi here, get to know her style there! Here she is!!


My name is Lindsi and my blog is called Books, Sweets and other Treats. I wanted to include two things I love in the title (books and sweets) and then treats is for anything else that doesn't fall under those two categories. I love baking and messing with the ingredients for a recipe. My problem? I end up making WAY more than I can eat and have to throw them out or give them away. I am currently attending two colleges and stretching myself thin. I'll graduate next summer and I CANNOT wait! I love animals and can't resist picking up strays. They need a good home too, right? I volunteer a lot at my local library. I am unofficially in charge of the YA section. They will ask me for recommendations and give my input on what books they should order. I enjoy baseball and going to Rangers games with friends. We recently went and sat in the "All You Can Eat" section. I thought my stomach would burst! Anyways, that's a little but about me!

When I was growing up, I wasn't surrounded by books. My parents thought they were a waste of time and an excuse to sit around and be lazy. This broke my heart because I loved reading and getting lost in a story. It was fun and exciting to read about something that wasn't real, but could capture my attention for hours. The books I had as a child were ones that I bought for myself. I saved my Tooth Fairy and birthday money to buy books whenever I had a chance. I remember saving up for a series one time, but for the life of me I cannot remember what it was called. I can tell you what all of the books were about, the different characters (not their names) and adventures, but I can't remember the author or the titles. It has been driving me crazy for years. I would read those books over and over again, and one day I came home and found them gone. My mom had thrown them out because they were tattered and worn. I'm not going to lie... I cried. It destroyed me when she did that. I hate it even more because I can't remember what they were so I can buy them now.

I guess I have my parents to thank for my unwavering love of books. They tried to tell me made up stories were pointless, but I was determined to prove them wrong. I read because it's something that I love to do. I'm glad that as a small child I was able to see how amazing reading could be. I'm also thankful that I can be stubborn;)

What do you say guys? Think we can help her track down this book series? I haven't had much luck, but she did give me a little more information about the series — Maybe one of you will recognize it!!
I remember her being in an all girls school. Occasionally, the boys were allowed over for a dinner or something. She would sit in her window and talk to the moon. I remember a cat (white I think). I remember her going something with her grandmother in one book. I remember her getting stuck in a cave in another book (I think there were indians in this one).
The covers usually depicted her and a scene from the book. I think I had six or seven of them.
If any of this sounds familiar, let us know!! I'd love to be able to help reunite Lindsi with a favorite childhood series!! And thank you again Lindsi for sharing your memories with us!!

art, childhood faves, guest, LIFE, love story, Memory Monday, review, and more:

Memory Monday — LINDSI!! + TIME