Welcome to the return of Weekly Geeks! We took a break for six weeks to give us time to honor Dewey, regroup and decide how to proceed. It takes a village to keep Dewey's projects going - and that's just what this blogging village (blogage?) is doing. Although there will be different facilitators every week, this is the place to come for the Weekly Geeks theme, Mr. Linky and comments, so add this page to your favs.
So - shall we begin?
In the spirit of the amazing community building that Dewey was so good at, tell us about your favorite blogs, the ones you have bookmarked or subscribe to in your Google Reader, that you visit on a regular basis. Tell us what it is about these blogs that you love, that inspire or educate you or make you laugh. Be sure to link to them so we can find them too.
Another option: Reading goals for ’09 and wrap ups for ’08 have been pretty well covered by now on a lot of blogs and other memes. But if you haven’t done this, feel free to make that your first WG of the new year, in addition to or instead of the above.
Most of you know the drill, but for newcomers (welcome!), create your blog post, come back here and sign Mr. Linky with the url to the actual post so we can find it easily. In addition, leaving a comment is a nice touch. So go be Weekly Geeks! And don't forget to visit your fellow Geeksters and say hello.
I hope you're as glad as I am to have this meme return , and I'm sure Dewey is smiling her approval.
This week's WG brought to you by Terri/teelgee