This week Terri had us revisiting another old favorite that Dewey had come up with--a week's worth of memorable quotes. It was fun to see the themes some Geeks came up with to organize their thoughts.
Some Geeks focused on one favorite author. Nonsuch Book featured Proust, to go along with a Proustian read-along she'll be leading soon, Between the Covers highlighted quotes from six Jane Austen books, and Paxton offered some of Mark Twain's words of wisdom.
Need a pick-me-up? You'll find an array of quotes about optimism at Erotic Horizon. How about some food quotes? Dave at Gluten-free Portland is happy to provide them! Some of these will make you hungry and some of them . . . won't. But the recipe for Cauliflower Curry posted right below the first quote definitely has my mouth watering. And Claire of Kiss a Cloud posted quotes about the sea.
It's Dark in the Dark can always be counted on for something...peculiar (and usually funny as well) and this week was no exception, with quotes from people as varied as Ezra Pound and Dr. Seuss, and one by poor Oscar Wilde about his duel to the death with the wallpaper in his hotel room.
Can't get enough of the quotes? Neither can Bookish Ruth! In fact, she's decided to make this a weekly feature, so you can find a new "Quotable" passage every Friday on her blog.
Thanks to all of you for participating in Weekly Geeks this week!