This week, Unfinished Person was inspired by the Watchmen movie to ask us the following question...
What book or books did a director or directors completely ruin in the adaptations(s) that you wish you could “unsee,” and why in your opinion, what made it or them so bad in contrast to the book or books?
So. This week we discovered that Geeks are not shy. Or opposed to tossing in a few swears when it comes to movie adaptions of beloved books. I had so much fun reading this week's posts because the answers were all over the place, in terms of the movies chosen. However, the one thing you all did have in common was your brutal honesty. Evidently, Geeks are very, very picky when it comes to how books are translated into movies.
Unfinished Person himself started us off by answering his own question. While he enjoyed the cinematography of The Grapes of Wrath, Unfinished Person felt the story left a lot to be desired. A lot.
Puss Reboots held no punches whatsoever in her post about Lolita. And Julie, discussing the third Anne of Green Gables book to movie adaptation, didn't see how a movie version could get any worse. In fact, The Grapes of Wrath and Lolita and Anne of Green Gables (part 3) have something in common. According to Geeks, they are all “crap.”
Jennie also put it bluntly. For her, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, and I quote here, SUCKS.
Ariel Dalloway took on Dragonball and summed up her feelings with this scathing ending to her post: "Goku, please. Kame Hame Ha this nonsense into dust and let it get blown in the wind and forgotten so those who haven’t read the manga will not think Dragonball is all about an American boy with bad hair."
Then there were the casting issues. Rebecca believes that Demi Moore is the worst possible choice for Hester Prynne, and Erika Lynn feels similarly about Tom Hanks as the lead in The Da Vinci Code. Poor Tom. Margot thought he was a bad choice for the lead in The Bonfire of the Vanities, as well.
As usual, it's been another fun and entertaining week in Geek-land. Thanks for participating!