I've selected Books for Soldiers as my charity for the 24 hour Read-a-Thon. Books for Soldiers is a non-profit corporation that ships books, dvds, video games and relief supplies to deployed military members of the US armed forces.
For every book I read, I will donate $5 to Books for Soldiers. Typically, I can read a 300 page book in two hours, so I'm estimating that I will read approximately 12 books (more or less!) Books For Soldiers operates totally on donations, so please consider sponsoring me during the Read-a-thon with a donation. You can donate a flat amount or per book.
Books for Soldiers has provided me with a secure easy pay button to post on this blog. This button is posted below, and will be posted on the sidebar of this blog through the conclusion of the read-a-thon. Payments will be processed using Paypal. All donations are tax-deductible.
If you are interesting in donating, please email me at jenlaw77ATearthlink.net or by posting a comment below. I would like to keep track of the donations earned through this effort.
In addition, I will be sending a copy of each of the books I read to troops overseas. If you are interested in donating books please email me or comment below.
Thank you for considering a contribution to this cause. If you are unable to donate, please follow my progress on Saturday, April 18! I will be hosting an amazing giveaway that day, so stay tuned!