I'm the proud owner of a Sony Reader (PRS 505). I've owned my Reader for about a year now, and I can't say enough about this amazing gadget. I'm a frequent traveler, and my Reader has lightened my load considerably.
The Reader's specs can be found on the Sony Web site. The PRS 505 Reader can now be purchased for $279. The PRS 700 BC, the next generation Reader, features an interactive touch screen display and built-in light. The 700 can be purchased for $349. The Reader is compatible with several different file formats, including Word & PDF. You simply have to import these documents into your library via your computer.
Amazon has releases two new Kindles in the past few months, the Kindle 2 ($359) and the Kindle DX ($489). The Kindle allows you to download books wirelessly and has a new Read to Me Feature. You can add your personal files to your Kindle, but you must pay a per document delivery fee.
The Kindle DX can display textbooks, and Amazon hopes that this will entice students to purchase it. I remember my college days, and I could barely afford my textbooks. I'm not certain students will be able to afford the $489 price tag, plus the cost of the textbooks. I could be wrong.
Now, I must state that I haven't had the opportuny to test drive the Kindle, but I'm hopelessly devoted to my Sony Reader. I'm not a fan of the "control" Amazon has over the books that you can purchase for it, and the fact it is only sold in the States astounds me. Perhaps, given the chance to test the Kindle, my opinion might change, but don't plan on it.
Let me finish by stating that yes, I still read "traditional" books, and no, I do not believe they are bordering on extinction. There will always be a use for traditional books.
e-Book readers simply make reading while traveling easier and make multiple books more portable. I receive on average 25 galleys or advance reading copies per month. Think about all the space I would save if those books were available electronically (and my husband would stop pulling his hair out at the site of books piled all over our home).
So, I have a few questions for you. Do you have an e-book reader? If yes, which one? If no, what are your thoughts on e-book readers? Which one would you buy?