Like many young girls, Elizabeth keeps a journal of her personal thoughts, feelings, and emotions. But the pages of Elizabeth's journal hold a secret too horrible to share...
Elizabeth's father was diagnosed with brain cancer when Elizabeth was six years old. She's too young to remember him as a healthy young man; she only has images of him and his illness. Despite his illness, he made Elizabeth feel "warm and comfortable and safe."
Eventually, her father is admitted to a hospice. Elizabeth and her siblings are split up among their relatives. Elizabeth's mother moves in with a friend, Doyle. Doyle showered Elizabeth with attention and gifts. However, when Elizabeth was eight years old, Doyle began molesting her.
THE TABLET OF MY HEART is a painfully honest account of one young girl's experience. Scattered throughout the journal entries are bits of poetry the author wrote to chronicle and express the hell she was experiencing. She writes about contemplating suicide at the age of ten years old, of the two occasions when she told someone of her abuse (both times she was dismissed), and of the additional emotional pain she experienced when she finally reported the abuse. But one of the prevalent themes in Elizabeth's poetry is her anger at God, her questioning of God's existence, and the ultimate understanding of God's plan.
THE TABLET OF MY HEART was not an easy read due to the topic.But the overall message was a powerful one: never give up on your faith. Despite all the tests forced upon you, you will persevere.
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