Weekly Geeks 2009-15 comes from animal lover Wendy of Caribousmom:

How many of us remember a favorite pet from our childhood? Or have enjoyed visiting the zoo? Or relish in walking in the woods and hearing birdsong, or seeing a deer leap away through the brush? How many of us have been thrilled by a soaring eagle? How often have we sought the comfort of a dog or cat, or wept tears of loss when forced to say good-bye to a furred friend?
This week you are asked to share books (fiction or nonfiction) and/or movies which center around an animal or animals.
- Which are your favorites?
- Which touched your heart the most?
- Which have found their way onto your wish lists or TBR stacks?
- Is there a childhood favorite?
- Have you ever named a pet after an animal from a book or movie?
Please stop by the original Weekly Geeks post to see who has signed Mr. Linky and participated in this week's theme! Meanwhile, here are a few posts that caught my eye; please keep in mind that I'm a dog person, so it's possible I'm showing some favoritism.
Molly at My Cozy Book Nook shares her love of Labrador retrievers - Marley, of course, and a couple of her own - which perseveres despite her allergy to dogs.
Lizzy of Booking It named her Yorkie after author Douglas Adams, and the dog's toys are all named for characters from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
On her blog Kiss a Cloud, Claire shares animal-themed picture books and pictures of her brother's beagles. In a similar vein, Infant Bibliophile offers a round-up of all of the children's books about animals (and there are a LOT) that he (and his mom) have reviewed on their Chronicle.
But just to show that I'm not dog-ist, I'll point you toward a few other Geeks and their favorite critters:
Sarah of Puss Reboots is all about - go on, guess - cats!
Frances at Nonsuch Book raves about ravens
It's All About Books and animals at Suey's, where she has posted pictures of her pets and a list of her Top Ten Animal Books
Thanks to all the animal-loving Geeks who joined in this week! Look for the new theme to be posted tomorrow.