This week's edition is guest-hosted by Care!
In July 2008, I had emailed Dewey with an idea for Weekly Geeks. Dewey responded positively to my suggestion but alas, the timing just wasn't quite right, considering... Here's my original email (I was quite excited to find it this week when The Weekly Geeks team offered that I be a guest host!)
Hi Dewey, I just had an idea and thought I could propose as a theme for a someday Geek Week: How about everyone's suggested standard REVIEW questionaire/format? could be genre specific or ???? And if, for example, I chose YOUR standard questions for a review, I would reference YOU in my next review? Feel free to pan, alter, whatever.
THANKS! Care (aka
This was her response, dated 11/23/2008:
Hi Care!
I am finding several July emails that were buried by this huge pile of bookworms carnival hosting emails! AHHHH I'm drowning in bookworms carnival! Anyway, I love this idea. I will use it next week! Dewey
And now, thanks to the awesome team that is so good to continue hosting our Weekly Geeks activity, I am honored to guest present the idea. I only ask you to do one, some, all or none of the following:
1. Explain your review format - if you have one. Or maybe your rating system?
2. Highlight another book-blogger's review format by linking to a favorite example - don't forget to tell us why they are a fave!
3. Do a review in another book-blogger's format of your latest read. I did this just the other day when I had read a great post discussing what makes a good review and 'borrowing' from a comment by Ramya. That post was one of Bethany's and my example giving Ramya the credit is here.
4. Highlight a past review that you are particularly proud of and why the format or structure may have had something to do with it.
I would have loved to have seen how Dewey would have presented this - she was always so gracious and helpful with her comments on reviews. It's wonderful that her spirit lives on with this community we are building, the conversations we are sharing, the friendships we are making and the BOOKS we are READING!
Last, and certainly not least, Dewey's blog featured a page devoted to her review questionaire format which is what inspired my idea in the first place.
Happy Geeks!
Would you like to guest-host a Weekly Geeks post? Or do you have topic suggestions? Email us!