This week, take us on a literary tour of your hometown!
Do you live in a place where a famous author was born? Does your town have any cool literary museums or monuments? Does Stephen King live at the end of your street? Was Twilight set in your hometown?
Share your fun literary facts about the town or area where you live. You can talk about famous (or not so famous) authors who live there, novels that have been set in your area, or any other literary facts that you know about where you live. Feel free to embellish with pictures of places and/or authors, maps of the area, and fun facts about the authors.
As usual, feel free to personalize this. Don’t like your hometown? Pick another! Do you live in a literary wasteland? Feel free to expand and discuss a region. Feel like returning to a place you lived 20 years ago? Go for it!
Have fun…and I look forward to reading about your literary tour!
Edited to add: Sorry...I spaced out and forgot Mr. Linky. Since so many of you have already posted links in the comments, let's just stay with that format for this week. Mr. Linky can have the week off!