Weekly Geeks 2009-20 was contributed by guest Geek Maree of Just Add Books, and she asked us to come to Confession and reveal our non-reading-related guilty pleasures. This was a fun topic, and a pretty popular one too - even with the incapacitation of Mr.Linky (get well soon, Mr. Linky!), 34 Geeks left links to their responses in comments.
It seems that quite a few Geeks feel that TV watching is a less worthwhile use of our time than reading - television-related guilty pleasures were definitely the most common confessions, and reality TV especially stirs up the guilt. Louise from Lou_s Pages owned up to this one, and Chris of Book-a-rama singled out her favorite guilt-inducing show, Wipeout.
Food and drink are necessities of life, but sometimes they're guilty pleasures too - ask any of the Geeks who confessed to their chocolate addictions! In addition, Frances from Nonsuch Book told us that she is fond of wine, and Kristina at Kristina's Favorites has a weakness for fast food.
And sometimes we crave junk food for our brains, too. Wendy of Caribousmom couldn't completely tear herself away from reading - she admits she enjoys vegging out with People magazine.
We do have a lot of women among the Geeks, so would you guess that clothes and shoes would be popular guilty pleasures? You'd be right. Just ask Softdrink of Fizzy Thoughts and Gautami of Everything distils into reading.
Interestingly, almost no one owned up to finding anything related to blogging a source of guilty pleasure - except for Becky at Becky's Book Reviews, who admits that she does like tweaking her blog designs.
Thanks to everyone who participated this week! I suspect that some of us found kindred spirits and partners in crime as we shared guilty pleasures - I know I did.