This week, unfinished person returned to movie adaptations and this time asked:
"What are some of your favorite movie adaptation of books?"
Melissa at Book Nut involved her family this week and provided a list (complete with trailers) of everyone's favorites.
Dreamybee picked Stand By Me as her favorite. Although I haven't read the Stephen King novella it's based on, I agree it's a fantastic movie. Good choice! :-)
Cass chose three very different movies, Inkheart (which she felt was much better than the book), The Godfather and The Color Purple (only the musical, not the movie!).
Caroline at Writing and All That went with a classic, Gone with the Wind, as well as Dangerous Liaisons, Kes (hmmm, never heard of that one), Pride and Prejudice and her all time favorite, Jurassic Park.
And Cam's list is long, but sure to go check it out!
Thanks to everyone for participating this week!