This week’s Weekly Geeks was prompted by Shannon Hale’s blog post from a few week back, in which she discussed book evaluation and self evaluation.
We offered three choices for your post, to rewrite a negative review, write a new review, or respond to Shannon’s six questions about how you review.
Here is a sampling from this week’s contributors:
Maree at Just Add Books wrote both a new review (The Graveyard Book), and answered questions about a negative review (Handle with Care).
Ceri at Not in the Pink offered her thoughtful answers to the six questions.
Stephanie at Reviews by Lola discussed why her review of Fast Food Nation was negative.
Bernadette at Reactions to Reading also answered the six questions, and talked about how part of her motivation for posting reviews is to engage in a discussion about the book.
Azrael at The Double Breasted Dust Jacket wrote about how he puts a lot of work into his reviews, with the goal of being honest.
Overachiever Violet Crush answered all three options. Extra credit for her!
Trisha at Eclectic/Eccentric posted a lovely letter to Ms. Hale.
And Heather at Book Addiction answered the six questions…and asked if anyone would like to design a button for her favorites. Anyone feeling creative?
If you haven’t already, be sure to stop by these blogs, and all of this week’s participants, and show some Geek love.
Also, Weekly Geeks made the shortlist for Best Meme/Carnival/Event. As did the 24 Hour Read-a-thon. Thank you, thank you!! Don't forget to go rock the vote! Since both Weekly Geeks and the Read-a-thon are legacies of Dewey, these nominations are a wonderful tribute to her and her contributions to the blogosphere.