This weeks participants in Weekly Geeks were asked to explore book recommendations. Becky wrote:
So your assignment this week, if you choose to play along, is to ask your readers for recommendations. Choose a genre--any genre--and ask for recommendations. You can be as general or as specific as you like. Consider it as an "I'm looking for..."
The second part of the assignment is to write a list of recommendations and share them with your readers. Choose a genre--any genre--and share your list of favorites. I think of this as "If you're looking for..."
Here are just a few of the great responses we got...
Bunny from Bookosaurus Rex joined us for the first time (Welcome to Weekly Geeks, Bunny!). She asked readers for recommendations of Victorian literature- 'as in, something actually written during and set in the Victorian era' Her list of favorite books with a Victorian setting includes: Tipping the Velvet AND Fingersmith...both by Sarah Waters, The Gemma Doyle Trilogy by Libby Bray, and The Ruby in the Smoke by Phillip Pullman.
Megan from Leafing Through Life loves historical fiction. She wants to explore an historical fiction sub-genre involving kings and queens and knights and court intrigues and would love your recommendations. In exchange, she shared some of her five star historical fiction books including: Sweetsmoke by David Fuller, A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly, and The True Story of Hansel and Gretel by Louise Murphy.
Bernadette at Reactions to Reading is looking for some audio-book recommendations. She writes:
Listened to anything lately that has left you breathless? speechless? teary? joyful? bent over with laughter? If so, let me know. Tell me what book you listened to and what you loved about the experience (if you can please tell me the name of the book, author and narrator as there are often different narrators of the same book and I want to share your exact experience if I can).
Erotic Horizon is an eclectic reader looking for recommendations for good crime fiction, M/M, Urban Fantasy and Paranormal. She also writes that although self-help is not her favorite thing to read, she is 'open to reading books that give you a chance to open you inner eyes and rethink just about everything of your life or the people who revolves around you. Also world folklore would be nice as well.'
Trisha at Eclectic/Eccentric gave us some great recommendations for non fiction, personal essays and short stories including Stiff by Mary Roach, Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs, The Latin Deli by Judith Ortiz Cofer. In return she looking for good Contemporary Literary Fiction...'stories published in the last fifteen years or so that aren't YAL, SFF, non-fiction, romance, etc.'
This is only a small smattering of responses to this week's Weekly Geeks. It is never too late to join in!