Last week Ali asked us to step outside our comfort zone and go in search of blogs that were different from ones we usually hang out in -- different in terms of:
- race and/or ethnicity, religion, cultural background, age, etc. from you
- Live the farthest from you
- Have entirely different tastes in books from you (but you love their blog anyway)
Ali also suggested that if we felt our blogs were somehow in the minority, to blog about that experience.
There were only a handful of participants for this challenge - I won't begin to analyze what that means!
- Maree opted for a personal ad - and you'd better like cats to make it into her inner circle!
- At Mysteries in Paradise, Kerrie has some really interesting pie charts on her post showing the percentages of English speaking readers vs other languages (for which she provides Google translation). Though English is the highest by far, a wide range of countries is represented. (Nice charts, Kerrie!)
- Gautami invited us all to visit her in New Delhi, India! She knows of only a few other book bloggers in India. She listed several blogs she likes to visit that focus on very different books than what she generally reads. And you must read her personal ad! I learned a lot about her from that bit.
- Sarah joined Weekly Geeks for the first time this week - welcome Sarah! She highlighted a couple of blogs that have inspired her to give genre fiction another try.
- Puss Reboots combined the Weekly Geek assignment with doling out awards to several blogs she thought fit the theme.