This is a guest post by Jackie of Literary Escapism who has graciously offered to organize the Book Blogger Top 10 again this year.
For the second year in a row, we're asking book bloggers to help put together a top 10 list of books published in 2009. I want to thank the Weekly Geek staff for helping put this together again. It was such a blast (forgetting the headaches) to do last year that I had hope they would let me work on it this year as well.
Before I lay out what I am even talking about, I have to mention something that came to me while I was writing this. It's been a full year since the book blogging community lost Dewey. It doesn't seem like it's been that long and yet, her presence is still very much felt around the blogosphere. The 24 Hour Readathon just celebrated another day of reading in October; Weekly Geeks has been amazing with the weekly topics and keeping everything organized; and the Bookworms Carnival is still going strong. Dewey has definitely left a legacy in our community and I'm sure her loss is still felt by many around this time of the year.
I don't want to ramble, but I'll be honest, the reason this hit home with me right now was because I was in the middle of working on this same project with Dewey last year when I heard the news. For the second year running, welcome to the Weekly Geeks Book Bloggers Top 10 of 2009.
You always see these “Top Whatever” lists that the newspapers/publishers put out and, for a second year in a row, we the book bloggers are going to put out our own Top 10 list. This week, the Weekly Geeks team and I are asking you to come up with your own Top 10 Books that were published in 2009 (books that were reprinted or re-released are not eligible, sorry).
Now, the idea is to only choose books that were published in 2009, regardless of what country you live in. If a book was released in the US in 2008, but released in your country in 2009, that's okay. I know there is still a month in a half left of 2009, but if you know there is a book coming out between now and Dec. 31st, then it’s still eligible.
This year, I am also asking for something a little more specific. When you submit your novels, you must include the genre it is from as well. Last year, when I was trying to categorize everything, I had to guess on a lot of novels and I know there were some people who disagreed with my choice. If there are any contradictions in genres (say if a book was selected for two genres), then the Weekly Geek Staff will vote on where it goes (please?).
If you see a Top 10 list somewhere else, add it to the Mr. Linky, even if they aren’t a part of Weekly Geeks. We're trying to gather as many lists as we can, so we can come up with a nice comprehensive list. You'll have two weeks to come up with your list before I begin compiling the voting booths. Then we'll put it to a vote. Last year, we ended up with over 1300 individual voters and I know we can make it just as big this year.
So what are your top 10 books of 2009?
** Please post your list and link it to Mr. Linky by December 4, 2009. Jackie will put together the voting book after then, then we’ll write a post to let you know it’s ready. Thanks!