I have finished my 19 Going on 20 Challenge. My goal was to read four YA books because I didn't read very many when I was a teenager, so I thought I'd read a lot during my last month of a teenager. Not so surprisingly, I really, really enjoyed this. A lot. Mostly because I found The Luxe, but still.
At the same time though, I don't think I would have enjoyed these books in high school. It's weird how that happens, isn't it. When I was in high school I would have been too caught up in my image to be caught with a copy of Sorcery and Cecelia or whatever. Now I welcome the release. It's nice to be able to read something that isn't super serious. And I enjoyed how catty the girls were in the books I read, but I didn't enjoy cattiness in high school.
If you couldn't tell already, my favorite book out of the pile was The Luxe, and now that my challenge is over I plan on finishing the whole series. I'm reading Rumors now. I wanted to read a variety of books for the challenge, but it was hard because all I really wanted to read was The Luxe.
If you want to go back and see my reviews I'll give you a list. The first book I read was The Red Necklace, which I enjoyed but in retrospect might have been the worst book. Then I read The Luxe which I could not put down. After that I read A Great and Terrible Beauty, which I didn't enjoy as much as The Luxe but I'm still planning on finishing the series. And finally I read Sorcery and Cecelia, which was probably the most creative book but I didn't like it all that much.