My first day of Bloggiesta! For those of you who don't know, Bloggiesta is hosted by Maw Books Blog. It's basically a chance for bloggers to make their blogs well oiled machines. So let's do this. I'm actually going to be quite busy this weekend, but the majority of my time outside of busy life is going to be spent on this blog (or reading of course). There are a few things that I do want to do to my blog (or quite a few things) so hopefully I can manage to get everything done. School starts for me again in a week and a half and I'd love to get things in tip top shape before the storm hits!
So what am I doing today:
1. I want to change my default font and I want all of you to help me out with this. I am going to post a few different colors and I want to hear some feedback people! You can check out the colors at the bottom of this post.
2. Make a post template and get one of those lovely signatures I see on so many blogs. This will hopefully save me lots of time in the future.
3. Related to number two, I would like to figure out why my image uploader is being stupid. I will be looking into that.
4. I want to add a few neat gadgets (you'll see them later I'm sure) to my sidebars.
5. Visit other blogs to get more ideas and connect with new bloggers.
6. Fix header.
7. Add meta-tags.
8. Resize images on all posts.
9. Add Amazon Affiliate Disclaimer on all reviews.
So this is the plan for Friday. And as promised, new colors:
Do you like this one?
Or perhaps this one, or at least something like it?
Or this one, or also something like it?
If you have an idea for something you think would look better please let me know! I know the grey can be tiring.
Thanks to everyone who helped me pick my new font! I hope this is easier to read.
So far I've completed one mini-challenge. Bookish Ruth is hosting the Grade Your Blog mini-challenge. I graded my blog and the first time I got a 76 which was pretty good. After adding meta-tags I got an 81.
I have lost one post today so I think my next task will be backing up all my old posts.