This week has been a week of changes at English Major's Junk Food. In case you haven't noticed already I have gone from http://englishmajorjunkfood.blogspot.com to http://www.englishmajorjunkfood.com. If you go to the old blogspot address you should get redirected here, but please update your bookmarks and blogrolls with the new address. It helps me out a lot! So far I haven't seen any unusual change in traffic due to the domain name change. I know a lot of people have questions about changing over and if you are one of those people please email me at englishmajorjunkfood AT yahoo DOT com.
Well the next few days are going to be insane for me so I probably won't get a whole lot of reading in. Tomorrow I have a midterm and a presentation and Tuesday I have a paper due plus I'm a discussion leader. It's probably a good thing I'll be busy this week though, because next week I have a job interview! I'm very excited about it and I hope I get it, although I think it will be awhile before I know for sure. I'm obviously stressed though, because just last night I noticed a lovely pimple forming right above my lip. Thank you very much.
This week I posted reviews of The Woman in White and The Secret History of the Pink Carnation. I posted a vlog where I showed you bunches of books for Children's Book Thursday and on Friday I let you know about some of my favorite lit podcasts. Go forth my friends, read, comment, enjoy! I also reached and surpassed 70 followers this week- less than thirty away from 100! I never thought I would have this many followers so I am thrilled to see that actually do have 70.
Happy reading!