It's no secret that I love classic lit, and I love literary jokes (I think it's safe to say this to other book lovers) so when I saw the book Ophelia Joined the Group Maidens Who Don't Float: Classic Lit Signs on to Facebook by Sarah Schmelling I had to buy it. Literally had to, I couldn't wait to get it. And let me tell you my friends, it was worth full-price. Let me sum up the book for you the short way: Classic Lit characters and authors on Facebook. Status updates, groups, poking and all. This book at me laughing for a week.
I loved the passage on Jane Eyre, obviously. I'll give you a little taste of Jane's News Feed so you get an idea of what this book is like:
"Jane Eyre has "Hard Knock Life" on repeat.
John Reed sent his cousin Jane a Book (at her head).
John PICKED A FIGHT with Jane using the Violent British Children application.
Result: SWEET! Jane won! Her fuming little British girl just taught John's irritating British boy the meaning of pain. Ouch!
Mrs. Reed does not see how in fact Jane won.
Jane took the Quiz: What Color Room Should You Not Be In? with the result "Red.""
Another one of my favorites was from the Oedipus Rex section: "Oedipus has some things to talk over with the wife." I just couldn't help myself with this book. I laughed out loud everywhere. In my bedroom, at work, secretly reading in lecture. It was just too funny. I'll be honest though, I only read the sections about books I read or authors I was familiar with, which was actually about 75% of the book. I know this is a book I will come back to when I read some of the other selections included. I'll admit it, I've read the Jane Eyre section four times already.
I really don't have any complaints with this book. I thought the sections were dead on, the quizzes were hilarious, and honestly I can't imagine what book lover would not enjoy this book. And that is why this book earned an A. Also, I don't usually plug my Amazon links, but this book is bargain priced on Amazon right now for $6, so if you're going to buy it now would be a good time! It's normally $15 in case you were wondering.
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