I bet a lot of you thought I gave up on blogging. Well psych! Midterms are over and I am back. I actually got quite a bit of reading done during my blogging hiatus, three books to be exact. You can expect upcoming review of Dawn of the Dreadfuls, Aurora Floyd, and Emma Volume Three. I'm part of the Creation of Eve TLC Book Tour this week though, so I will have a review of that up on Thursday. I need to read Creation of Eve right now and I'm really looking forward to it, but the evil, evil Books on the Nightstand (not really evil, love them!) has got me all interested in The Lighting Thief. From what I've heard about it, it seems like the new Harry Potter. I got the first book today and it is all I can do from tearing it open right now.
What makes not reading The Lightning Thief even more difficult is that I am leaving for New York tomorrow. Which means lots of time in the airport and lots of time on planes. One of my favorite things to do while I travel is read, which I gather is not the case for everyone. My parents always return to the story about our trip to Hawaii in which I spent the majority of the trip deeply involved with Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. My favorite Harry Potter book in case you were wondering. For me, vacations are one of the few times I can really relax while I read. I don't have to think about what else I should be doing because I shouldn't really be doing anything except relaxing and enjoying the new place. For me the book or books I read on a trip is an integral part of the experience.
I love to travel and experience different cultures, but I also look at trips as a chance for me to do things I don't normally get to do. Like really lose myself in a book. Sometimes it doesn't work out and I get zero reading done on vacation, but usually I at least try to make an attempt. So how about you? Do you enjoy reading on trips, or is that one of the times you don't read? What are some of your all time favorite trip reads?