If you were on Twitter last night you probably saw me freaking out about Catching Fire for most of the night. I went to sleep thinking I would finish that last 80 pages this morning- but I just couldn't do it. I was tossing and turning all night and finally I got up at 2 AM and finished it in an hour. You would think I would have let out a sigh of relief, but instead I started jumping up and down violently in my room asking "Why, why did this book have to end?!?!?!" Then I promptly got online and pre-ordered Mockingjay, the final installment in The Hunger Games series. The cover is beautiful:

So I'll admit it. In two weeks I have become obsessed with The Hunger Games. I was even having dreams about it last night. I recently read The Lightning Thief which is supposed to be the "New Harry Potter," and I really enjoyed it. But I didn't feel like this when I finished The Lightning Thief, and what I feel like now is exactly what I felt like when I got into Harry Potter. I can't believe I have to wait four months for the next book. Ah!
As I mentioned on Friday I've been a little absentee for the past week. My posts have been pretty regular but my presence in the blogosphere has been lacking, I don't think I signed onto Twitter for two or three days. So for that, I apologize. This last week has just been a series of insane events, which I kind of talked about on Friday. As for what I did get done this week, I posted reviews of Armadale and Blubber and that was pretty much it. I did see a post on my friend's Tumblr of her in her new Filligar t-shirt she won from English Major's Junk Food though! Check it out at Forever Young.
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