I am actually writing this post on Friday because I am on a technology cut off this weekend. Yep, I'm camping! Hopefully I'll do this a few times over the next few months. I love to be outside and I'm planning on taking several books with me and getting lots of reading done. And lots of hiking done as well. I love technology as much as the next person, but sometimes I feel like I spend too much time trying to stay connected with everything and it can be overwhelming.
This week I posted reviews of Dead End Gene Pool and American Born Chinese. I also started what I hope will turn into a weekly post this summer, Figure it Out: Internship Week One. After a few things Aths at Reading on a Rainy Day has said to me, I've also been thinking about doing some sort of creative nonfiction post every week. Creative nonfiction is really my favorite genre and it's something I feel is really underrepresented in the blogging community. I haven't quite figured out what this means yet, so if anyone has some ideas I'd love to hear them! I am hoping this will help encourage me to read more creative nonfiction as well. Since I've started blogging I've read so many great reviews for fiction books that I've gotten really wrapped up in them. But I didn't start blogging just to review the books everyone else is reviewing, so I think my focus might change a little bit.
Happy Reading!
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