I know last week I was all excited about it finally being summer, but this week did not feel like summer. At all. I was on campus taking a one week class, and I spent the majority of my week remaking my schedule for the Fall. The best parts of the week were staying with my friend at Chasing Empty Pavements, who helped me talk through the challenges of... life. Which got me thinking about how everything in college seems like it's life or death. It's not, but it seems that way.
Last night though, I felt summer. And I liked it! I finally finished Dead End Gene Pool by Wendy Burden last night so you can expect a review of that this week. I started about one hundred other books last night too. I'm reading Scrolling Forward: Making Sense of Documents in the Digital Age, Talking Up Young Women's Take on Feminism, Ariel, This Book is Overdue! How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All, and tonight I'm going to start Just Kids. Five books. I'm reading five books. If you go through that list you'll notice that I'm reading almost all nonfiction, the only non-nonfiction book I'm reading is Ariel. Which is poetry. Which is totally uncharacteristic of me. What is the world coming to?
So why the sudden nonfiction binge? I think it's because I really missed nonfiction during the school year. It's just hard to bring yourself into nonfiction when you're so busy learning stuff for class. Then everything you want to read is "fun" books, which isn't too say that nonfiction isn't fun (personally I find it very fun) but it's just... okay I'll say it, it's just more challenging. Now that it's summer I don't feel so drained by reading a challenging book or two, or three. I want to keep learning and I'm having a ton of fun with these books so far. Thirty or so pages in.
Do you read a lot of nonfiction? Or do you find yourself reading it at certain times?
P.S. This week I wrote reviews of The Moonstone and Sunflowers, and I did a post about bookshopping in Iowa City.