Last week was the release of the latest installment in The Black Dagger Brotherhood series - LOVER MINE, the much awaited book by J.R. Ward. One of my blogger friend, Pattepoilue from One Book Away From Heaven is having a problem getting past one of the earlier books in the series to make her way to LOVER MINE.
She tossed out a post asking for help in getting her mojo back on or some suggestion on what to do about the book that she just does not want to read.
I am piggy backing on that post and tossing it out here to the Weekly Geeker's – to see how you guys deal with that book in that series that you are following, that is just not doing it for you.
- What series do you read where you have had an issue with one of the books in the line-up.
- Do you cut the author lose after one miss, or do you have a limit of failed books in a series before you toss in the towel.
- What's your suggestion for that book that you struggle with in a series.
- If you are not a series reader – Toss the question out on your blog, see what your readers think.
Mr. linky.
Please leave all links on comment - once Mr Linky gets added to the post they will be moved over .
Have a great reading week...