Two events are happening at the moment: Bloggiesta and Book Blogger Appreciation Week Registration. Both provide an opportunity to reassess your blog and your blogging goals.
If you are participating in either one, great but even if you are not you can still take part in this week's Weekly Geeks.
During Bloggiesta participants are asked to take a look at blogging goals. What are your blogging goals? Maybe you did this for the last Bloggiesta, find that post and reevaluate those goals. Have you reached them? Do they no longer apply?
If you are a book blogger*, register for BBAW. It's a great way to find new readers. To register you must find your best 5 posts from the last year. Find yours even if you don't register for BBAW. In your Weekly Geeks post, link to your registration post or put the 5 links in your Weekly Geek's post.
Then tell us why are these your best posts of the last year? By looking at these posts, you can figure out your blogging goals: be more funny, personal, concise, topical, etc.
*If you're not a book blogger, find your 5 best posts of the last year anyway.
So, it's a bit of work but a chance to see where you are and where you want to go. Good luck!
** I've been bit by Mr Linky too many times. Please leave your links in the comments.