Merry Wanderer of the Night + weekly geeks

Weekly Geeks: 2010-22: Hoarding Behavior, or I Have a Problem

Please forgive the lateness of this post...I completely blanked about posting this even though I got an email reminder!!

So this week, I am curious about those gigantic TBR piles which readers tend to accumulate. Please share with us your habits, tendencies or obsessions when it comes to hoarding behavior.

  • Post a photo (or two or three) of your books to-be-read
  • Share your buying or book accumulating habits - how bad of a problem do YOU have?!?!?
  • Do you keep all the books you've read, or do you give them away or sell them?
  • Can you walk past a bookstore and not go in? If you go in, do you impulsively purchase?
Don't let these questions restrict you...tell us all about your hoarding issues, if only to make the rest of us feel better!

TIME, and more:

Weekly Geeks: 2010-22: Hoarding Behavior, or I Have a Problem + weekly geeks