So far this month has felt like a fairly slow reading month. I'm reading about five books right now and I'm almost finished with a couple of them, but I don't feel like I'm getting anything done. Part of the problem is that I'm reading a little bit of Gone With the Wind every day, rather than reading big chunks of it at a time. I like reading it this way better because I'm making my way through it but I'm still free to read several other books. At the same time, sometimes I get frustrated that I'm reading the same thing every day.
Part of the reason I haven't gotten very much reading done is that I've been so busy packing and preparing for my move in three weeks. It's hard to believe, but these are the last three weeks I'm actually going to live at home with my parents. Forever. I've been spending a lot of time just relaxing before next month. Even though I'm still going to be out of school for most of August I will be working and organizing my townhouse so I'm not going to have much time for just relaxing.
This week I posted my initial thoughts on To Kill a Mockingbird, which I will do again tomorrow. Today is the actual anniversary of the novel and I think I might watch the movie with Gregory Peck this evening to celebrate. I'm also currently reading Mockingbird, a biography about Harper Lee. So far I've been really surprised by how many things from the book were actually part of Harper Lee's life. I did a top ten list of hilarious book titles, a review of Candy Girl: A Year in the Life of an Unlikely Stripper by Diablo Cody, my thoughts on talking about books, an update on my summer internship, and an awesome essays post on The Pain Scale by Eula Biss.
And for all of you soccer fans GO NETHERLANDS!