This week's Top Ten Tuesday at the Broke and Bookish is hilarious book titles. I searched for most of these on Amazon's Self Help section and Harlequin romance's website. They're in no particular order.
1. The Happiness Project: Or, Why I sepnt a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun by Gretchen Rubin This actually sounds like something I would try to pull off, which makes it more hilarious.
2. Accidentally the Sheik's Wife by Barbara McMahon I'm not really sure how you accidentally become anyone's wife, and I'm very curious as to why they chose a sheikh. Mixing things up a bit?
3. Cattle Rancher, Convenient Wife by Margaret Way Why anyone would want to read a romance about a convenient wife is beyond me.
4. Falling for Mr. Dark and Dangerous by Donna Alward I find this funny because in general most romance novels are about falling for someone dark and dangerous.
5. Memo: Marry Me? by Jennie Adams
6. Finn's Pregnant Bride and the Paternity Claim by Sharon Kendrick Sounds like a subtitle on a daytime TV show.
7. The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands by Laura Schlessinger You might think this is a romance novel, but it's actually a self-help book. Apparently there are a lot of starving dirty husbands out there.
8. Why Men Marry Bitches: A Woman's Guide to Winning Her Man's Heart by Sherry Argov Well, from the title I assume the answer is to act like a bitch. Hope that works out for you.
9. Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time by Brian Tracy If the key to stop procrastinating is eating frogs then I think I'll just keep procrastinating.
10. Will I Ever Be Good Enough?: Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers by Karyl McBride I don't know why exactly I find this funny other than I think every daughter feels this way about her mother sometimes.
I'm not trying to put down any of these self-help books, I'm sure they're all very helpful!