This week Suey chose an oldie but a goodie:
It's a Weekly Geek Flashback this week! We're going back to an original assignment Dewey posted for Weekly Geek's #13 on August 2, 2008. She suggested we post pictures of authors that answer the questions listed below, but without saying who they were. Then Weekly Geek visitors should guess, by leaving a comment, who they think those authors are.
This is always a fun topic, but let me tell you, it’s hard to write a wrap-up post for…I don’t want to give away any answers!
The Bookworm has quite a few author photos up…go see if you agree with her selection of hotties.
Zee chose to post just a single photo…her favorite author. Can you guess who it is?
Bookwormans and Rikki actually have the same photo posted for one of their authors, although I have no clue who he is!
I know three of sari’s authors! Woo-hoo! Oh, wait, this post isn’t supposed to be about me.
Can you figure out which author Bart has met (and has photographic evidence of)?
Thanks to everyone for participating this week!