This week's list at the Broke and Bookish is all about words. I really struggled to think of my favorite words, so I just looked at some words that I really like.
1. Ineffable. adj. 1. Inexpressible 2.Too sacred to be spoken
Mostly because that was my descriptor word when I was on my high school newspaper. Ineffable Ash.
2. Struck. vt. 1. to give (a blow, etc.) to 2. to make by stamping 3. to announce (time) 4. to ignite (a match) or produce by friction
3. Ambivalence. n. simultaneous conflicting feelings
4. Mischief. n. 1. harm or damage2. a causeof harm or annoyance 3. a prank
5. Hanker. vi. to long or yearn.
I use this most often in relation to food.
6. Vagrant. n. one who wanders from place to place, esp. one without a regular job, supporting himself by begging
7. Grotto. n. a cave.
8. Grove. n. a group of trees, often without undergrowth.
9. Percipience. n. faculty, act or power of perceiving; perception.
10. Heretic. n. one who professes a heresy; esp., a church member who holds beliefs opposed to church dogma.
What are some of your favorites?