I mentioned a few times last week that I started a podcast recently. Some of you mentioned you'd like to more about it, so I'm just going to do a full out post here. The podcast is called GreenReads and I started it with my boyfriend. We're reading one book every two weeks and then talking about it on our podcast. The books we're talking about are somehow related to the environment, but not always overtly. We just published our first real podcast and we discuss A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson. You might remember that I reviewed A Walk in the Woods last week. There is some overlap between the podcast in my review, although I talk about the book in a very different way. When I review a book here I usually talk about how I liked it as a book and as a reader. On the podcast I'll talk more about how I read the book as an environmentalist.
The podcasts are about 30 minutes long and can be listened to on our website or downloaded from iTunes for free. You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and it will automatically be downloaded to your computer every time there is a new one.
If podcasts aren't really your thing but you still want to know more about the environment you should check out our blog. Every once in awhile we'll do a post where we talk about something environmental we've done recently.
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