Since Weekly Geeks and The 24 Hour Read-a-thon (which is coming up next week) are both Dewey created events, and therefore technically sisters, I thought for this week's assignment we could join forces just a bit and post our read-a-thon plans.
Sometime this next week, write a post that tells us:
* if you are participating in the read-a-thon or not.
* and if not, why not. (timing isn't right, you didn't know about it, life won't allow it, it's not your thing, etc.)
* if you are, do you have a strategy?
* do you have a stack of books prepared to read from?
* will you try to read as many books as you can or as many pages as you can?
* do you have special food and snacks planned?
* do you have a special spot all set up for reading?
* will you get your Saturday things done on Friday so you can read guilt free?
* if you have others living in your household, do you have to work around their schedules too?
Basically, let us know how you plan to approach the event.
My guess is that there will be a link up for a similar sort of post over a the Read-a-thon blog too. If so, just link your post up both here and there and kill two birds with one stone!