I have returned to Iowa City, which is awesome and crappy at the same time. I have two and a half weeks between me and winter break and those weeks are full of papers and exams. Luckily, I'll definitely blog more because I won't be at my parents' house where it is quite difficult for me to blog. This is why I really sucked at blogging last week. I did some Black Friday shopping over the weekend (I shopped for five hours!) and got the backpack I will take with me to the Netherlands and Germany over winter break. I can't believe how close this trip is now, it doesn't even feel real.
Remember a month ago when I was all excited about recording a podcast with my boyfriend? It was called Green Reads and we were going to talk about books and the environment. Well it's back! We posted a new episode over the last week and you can read about it on our Green Reads blog and listen to the episode there. Please follow us and leave us comments! You can also subscribe to our podcast on iTunes and every episode will show up automatically for you. The road is a little bumpy right now, but we have another podcast in the works and it will get published very soon. We're working to make this the best we can.
Now I'm off to go for a walk and think about an essay I'm working on today. How were your Thanksgivings if you are in the States, and how were your weekends if you are not? Did you get any reading done? I, for one, did not.
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