It's Thanksgiving Break! It's Thanksgiving Break! Can I say how thankful I am for Thanksgiving Break? Yesterday I celebrated by doing zero homework, which means I have to write a paper today but I'm accepting of that. Instead of doing homework I finished Wide Sargasso Sea first thing in the morning, then I wrote a blog post about the essay film Chekhov for Children. I spent the rest of the afternoon watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Netflix and then in the afternoon I got my next disc of True Blood from Netflix. I made chocolate chip cookies! Then I got a strong desire to go to Daydreams Comics downtown, so we fought the football game traffic to get there only to find out they were sold out of the comic I wanted, but I got the second Fables anyway. We tried to go to Harry Potter but it was sold out. We came home and drew while we watched A Beautiful Mind and Chicago. Yesterday was busy and awesome.
I went to a Thanksgiving Party with my friends on Thursday night and we went around the room saying what we were thankful for. Most people said they were thankful for their friends and all our yummy food (I made cranberry sauce and cranberry salsa) and so on. When it was my turn I said I was thankful for books and everyone laughed, saying they knew I would say that. But it's true, I'm really thankful for books.
Without books and reading some of the hardest times of my life would have been a lot harder--- this semester included. When I read I get to pretend I'm someone else, somewhere else, for awhile. I've also made some of my best friends in college through books. When I started blogging I became a pretty public reader and then people around me I'd kind of known for awhile became more interested in me because they wanted to talk books. I love to talk books! I will talk books with anyone! I love texting a friend (I'm talking about you Liz) right after I finish a book and saying I must talk to you because I know you read this book too. And I love getting texts from friends to hear they're starting a book I've already read.
Are you thankful for books? If yes, why are you?
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