Happy Holidays to all of you! I think this is the longest I have ever gone without blogging, and it will probably be like this for the next couple of weeks. This week was obviously busy with all of the holiday parties and things, plus I don't have a reliable source of Internet at my parents' house. On Tuesday I get on a plane and fly to Amsterdam. I will be gone for 17 days so I'm going to miss a lot in the blogosphere! I have a few posts scheduled and I will probably be able to go to an Internet cafe every once in awhile to update you all on my travels a bit, but I'll be so busy with other stuff blogging in obviously not going to be my main concern.
Did everyone get books for Christmas? I told everyone not to get me any-- but I'm pleased with the books I got. I got The Vertical Farm: Feeding the World in the 21st Century
and Farmer Jane: Women Changing The Way We Eat
from my fiance's family. My mom gave me Clockwork Angel, which really surprised me! She must have really paid attention to me in the bookstore. My fiance gave me An Object of Beauty because I love Steve Martin. I also got an Iowa Bird book from my fiance and a set of binoculars-- I'm excited to do some birdwatching in 2011.
I gave a few books this year too. I gave my fiance's mother How to Repair Food, even though she is a wonderful cook. When I heard about it on Books on the Nightstand I immediately thought it would be something she would enjoy as a former food science major. I gave his sister Firefly Lane
per the recommendation of Jamie at Perpetual Page Turner because she really enjoys Nicholas Sparks. I gave my fiance The Urban Homestead: Your Guide to Self-Sufficient Living in the Heart of the City and Bicycling Science.
Out of all the gifts I got this year though, I would have to say the Wii my parents surprised me with is the total winner. I wasn't expecting to get much for Christmas this year because I only asked for money for my trip, which I got. I was totally cool with that and we had pretty much finished opening all out presents when my dad handed me this big heavy box. I thought it was for my mom and tried to give it to her. Let's just say I was in total shock when I opened it. I've already spent way too much time playing Super Mario on it! Hopefully the novelty will wear off before classes start again? Yeah, I kind of doubt it too.
I hope you all had a great holiday weekend! Did you get or give any books this year?
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