Everyone, meet Leif. He is going to help Aths at Reading on a Rainy Day and me through an interesting journey. Leif is very concerned with the environment and what is happening to the other penguins around him, and he thinks one of the best ways to learn more about the environment is to read about it. I couldn't agree more!
Aths and I are working to become more educated about what is happening with our Earth, and since w'ere both avid readers it only seems right for us to read about the changes that are happening. We're starting our new feature tomorrow. It's called Leif Reads because we are only going to talk about environmental reads, ones that Leif might think are important. The first book we're talking about is Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet
by Bill McKibben, I book I read awhile ago and am super enthusiastic about. We chose this book because it seemed like a good overall introduction to what we're dealing with in our new environment, but in the future we'd like to do more focused posts that deal with specific issues.
That is where you come in. This Sunday we'll each put up our first poll where you can all vote about what book you think we should read next. What topic are you most interested in? Food? Farming? Climate change? We want to help you learn more while we learn more! Since this is all about education, Aths and I aren't just going to review these books, we're going to post about a specific issue the book brings up every Friday and tell you what you can do to help. We'll take turns posting about a specific issue from the book-- I'll post tomorrow and Aths will post next Friday and so on. By the end of the month we'll have milked the book of everything we can think of and we'll move on to the next topic.
Some of you subscribe to the podcast I co-host, Green Reads. It will be a little like that, but I'll have more time to really focus on a specific issue in writing, rather than just give you the nuts and bolts of what the book is about. If you don't subscribe to my podcast yet, please go check it out! And if you have any ideas about what books we should read next, please leave a comment.
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