Last week, in celebration of Valentine's Day, Suey challenged Geekers write "a post that included anything about love that moves you."
Naida at The Bookworm shared her favorite Gone With the Wind movie scene when Rhett proposes marriage to the spoiled Scarlett (I have to admit, that is also one of my favorites!).
Gautami at Everything Distills into Reading shared some of her own poetry.
Have you heard of the poet A.E. Housman? I hadn't until Rikki at The Bookkeeper decided to share one of his (or is it her?) poems...not really romantic, but it fit the theme!
Who are your favorite literary couples? Bookwormans at Complete and Unabridged shared some of hers including Ray Singleton & Olivia Dunne from The Magic of Ordinary Days by Ann Howard Creel, and Arthur Clennam & Amy Dorrit from Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens. To see them all, visit her Weekly Geeks post.
Wendy at Wall-To-Wall Books chose to answer all the categories on her post. Not only do Wendy and I share the same name, but we also share a favorite country music singer (go, Martina!).
Lauren at Little Wonder's Recommended Reading gave us a terrific review of Noble Laureate Pablo Neruda's collection of poetry: 100 Love Sonnets.
Gypsi of The Couple That Reads Together was finally tempted to join us and gave us a run-down of her literary crushes.
Thanks to all who participated in this fun topic. For those of you who haven't yet written a response, it is never too late. Late links are always welcome!