This weeks we have a treat, Corey from Literary Transgressions is taking over the reigns and sending us to not only have a look at our bookshelves, but to celebrate their creators.
From the keyboard of Corey:
As Weekly Geeks itself proves, we book-bloggers never get tired of talking about our books. We write about the genres we like, the favorites we have, those recommendations we hated, our preferred length, where we like to read, and even identify new illnesses associated with our reading habit, like B.B.D. (Blurry Book Disorder), P.A.B.D. (Post Amazing Book Depression), and S.B.S. (Shiny Book Syndrome.
Suffice it to say, we like to think about our reading.
But how often to do we stop and appreciate the more practical things that make our reading possible or easier? Things like bookmarks, book weights, cookbook stands, and, perhaps most importantly, the bookshelf.
Since April 8 was National Carpenter's Day (apparently), I thought it would be fun to take the opportunity to celebrate that piece of carpentry most cherished by those of a bookish persuasion: the bookshelf. If we have a National Carpenter's Day (and frankly national holidays for almost everything else under the sun), we should also have a National Bookshelf Day (or, heck, a whole week since this is "Weekly" Geeks!).
So join me this week in posting a picture of your bookshelf (or a selection of your bookshelves if you have more than one) and, if you're really into it, some stories about your bookshelf. Where did you get it? Do you have a love/hate relationship with how much or little it holds? And how did you choose which books to keep on this particular one? How do you organize your books on the shelf?
Share as much or as little as you like about your bookshelf, but don't forget to come back here and add a link to your post via Mr. Linky!
One of my favorite things to do whenever I'm in a new home is to check out other people's bookshelves, so this will be a great opportunity to do exactly that, but virtually. Once you've posted, take a wander around our cyberhomes, visit other Geeks, and leave them a comment, too.