Before I read Slow Death by Rubber Duck I was unaware of a lot the chemicals put in every day things. It's really impossible to escape them, which is terrifying. But there are a few things you can do to minimize you're contact with certain chemicals. I thought I was doing pretty well on the environmental scene, but this book showed me so areas I could improve on. The biggest one for me was home bath products since I already use natural home cleaners and do not buy Teflon. After reading Slow Death by Rubber Duck I decided to switch out my shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, mouthwash, and deodorant.
1. I purchased the Burt's Bees Grapefruit & Sugar Beet Shampoo and conditioner. Burt's Bees has a few different types of shampoos but this had the lowest amount of chemicals. Some of them might smell better but I didn't really care. This cost about the same as the shampoo I was originally using, so it really isn't a big change for me.
2. Tom's of Maine Natural Toothpaste is what I replaced my former toothpaste with. This is a dollar more perhaps, but other than the chemicals it tastes a lot better than my old toothpaste and I don't feel like I have to scrub and scrub with it to make it work. That might be psychological, but I do like it more. I also got Tom's of Maine Natural Mouthwash but that was actually more because Jason needed a new mouthwash and he hates the alcohol taste in them. Tom's doesn't have alcohol in their mouthwash.
3. I got the unscented Tom's of Maine Natural Deodorant. A lot of you are probably wondering how that is working. I've noticed a little smell if I get particularly sweaty, but I actually had the same problem with my old deodorant (I don't use antiperspirant) so I think the Tom's deodorant works just as well as normal deodorant.
Aths has a great post up today about further options for detoxing ourselves from chemicals and she goes into what chemicals you're actually getting rid of. Be sure to check it out at Reading on a Rainy Day!
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