So here I go again with the fan art, but hear me out; this stuff is really, really wicked. I’m a bit of an Etsy voyeur and stumbled acrossRetro Whalewhile searching for film stuff (I wanted film reel earrings, don’t judge). The Los Angeles based artist has created a series of film-inspired pieces on wood panels and standard prints. I can see my pay cheque slipping from my hands and into that Pay Pal account as we geek. From prominent directors to cult films, the illustrations are delightfully quirky and remind me of one of my favourite artists;Nathaniel Russell.Anyway, here are the highlights and if you want to own them for yourself then clickhereand be magically transported to Retro Whale’s Etsy profile.
Pulp Fiction (wood panels)

The Big Lebowski (print set)

80s Movies (wood panels)

Favourite Directors (wood panels)

American Psycho (print set)

The Royal Tenenbaums (wood panels)