The year is five months in and I think it’s time to take a look at some of the positives of our industry so far. I am challenging you not to find the over the top or even the everyday things but that something unique that has happened to you during the course of your interaction with a book, readers, bloggers or any aspect of the book world within the last few month that you thought WOW or even aaahhhhh
This weeks challenges has two part
Name name’s and share with your readers one, two or five of the unique little things that has made the last five month a pleasure for you. Give a little love whether it’s to a book readers or blogger or just mention that little bit of unexpected surprise that came your way over the past few month.
Here are some suggestions:
Got a recommendation that totally blew you away.
Read something outside of your normal genre that you really liked.
Found a little brick and mortar store that made the different to your book find.
Is there a blogger that just clicks with you.
Has your anticipated book lived up to your expectation.
Part 2:
Did you recognize it at the time and did you send or pass on your pleasure in some way. Whether via email, a review or even just sharing the info with someone else.
As always please leave your links on comments and do have a great reading week this upcoming week.