As late as about six months ago and even further beyond there were a slew of post floating around the blogosphere regarding the format of the books we read. The posts that generally attracted the most controversy were the post specifically focused on ebook versus paperback. We all have seen these or even did a few on our own blogs.
Now that we are six months into 2011 I would like us Geeker’s to take a look at our reading so far and see how far we come within that time in our reading. This introspective look has nothing to do with social networking – that's for another time..
I want us to look at changes, whether it has happened and if it has been a good thing or a bad thing for you.
Here are the criteria
- Did you have a hard and fast mindset in regards to your reading a year ago? (paperback, ebooks etc)
- Are you still true to that format?
- If you have tried another format (ebook, audio) – Share your experience?
- What was it that made you tried something out of your comfort zone?
- If you have not tried another format – Why?
- Give a brief over view of where you are at with your reading now, eg, load of paperback lying round, or the out of sight out of mind e-reader putting your mind at each or life as you know it have toss you a curve ball and forced you to think outside of the box?
- How do you feel about different output method now?
As always have fun with this topic….