So, I've been talking about starting up a pen pal-esque program for a while now and I finally think I have a good enough handle on things to get it going! So, below is a form. I need everyone interested in being a pen-pal to fill out this form!
(in my blog for the original introductory post if you missed it)
Most of the questions are pretty self-explanatory, but I'm more than happy to answer any questions! I did include a question regarding privacy because I want everyone to feel completely comfortable with this project, which means that if you have a limit on how many bloggers you want your address shared with, that's completely fine. So let me know if there are a limit to the number of people you want your info shared with, or any limitations. I promise that I will be the only who sees them and I won't tell if there are limits you want placed here.
I'm hoping to get the first group of letters going by the end of this week. So sign up fast! I'll be doing this more than once, so all is not lost if you don't sign up immediately, but I'd like to have as many participants as possible this first time through!
So here we go! Pull out your stickers and stationary and grab those fun and fancy pens! (Sharpies FTW!)