Hello everyone and WELCOME! Today is the first day of November, which also means it is the first day of Just Contemporary, a full month dedicated to nothing but the awesome that is Contemporary YA. I mean seriously, how awesome is that?! Best idea ever, right?! Thank you, thank you. You may now bask in my glow...
Or, better yet — Bask in the awesome that will be coming to you ALL THIS MONTH!!!
Shanyn and I have so killer awesome stuff coming at you. There will be authors, guest bloggers, interviews, guest posts, giveaways, videos and lots of reviews and bookish talking posts. It's gonna be intense. Like, whoa.
I am devoting my entire blog, the entire month of November to ONLY Contemporary talk. The reviews will all be Contemporary, the authors all write Contemporary, even the Memory Mondays will be about Contemporary reads! Shanyn's blog will be the same. Contemporary FTW yo!
Now, I don't actually expect anyone else to do this. Devoting an entire month to only one genre is hard. I get that. If you want to become an entirely, or even mostly Contemporary place for November, YOU WILL ROCK MY FACE OFF. If you can't become entirely Contemporary, don't worry, I'll still love you!:)
But here is a list of seriously great things you can do to still show your love and support for Contemporary YA (some of these are Shanyn's and some are mine)
*Read a Contemporary book, especially if it isn't your normal go-to genre
*Review a Contemporary book you loved
*Add the button/banner to your sidebar and/or any Contemporary themed posts in November
*Write a post about the Just Contemporary event on your blog. Talk about it on Twitter. Tell all your friends.
*Read the awesome Contemp happenings on the host blogs for the month
*Write a post talking about Contemporary YA (write about your own topic, or check out our guest post topic list)
*Enter the giveaways!! (easy peasy, yes?!)
*Keep an eye out for participating authors & post about those authors or their books around the same time we do
*COMMENT! There is a lot of time and effort that's been put into showcasing all this awesome Contemp & all of the participants, bloggers, authors, readers and writers would love feedback!
*Talk to friends, IRL & online about Contemporary YA that you love. Buy a book. Buy a book for a friend or your library. Buy a book and give it to a random stranger on the bus... And then tell us!:)
*Tell a Contemporary YA author that you love them.:)
I could keep going here... Really, I could. There is so much you can do to help! Both this event and Contemporary YA in general!
Also — I plan to have a weekly post going up where I talk about all the awesome Contemporary love happening around the blogosphere. But, for this to really be a good round up, I'm going to need your help! There is no way I can possibly find everything going on. I'm going to try, but it's not gonna happen.: P SO. PLEASE — If you are participating in the event, if you grab the button to add to your Contemp reviews, if you interview a Contemporary author, review a Contemp novel, Let me know!! I am going to be on top of my commenting game, reading (hopefully) hundreds of awesome Contemporary posts every day!
So what are we waiting for?! Let's get this show on the road and SPREAD THE LOVE!!!