Today is "mini"-review day. (My version of mini, anyway: P) I'm combining these two books, not because the books themselves have anything in common, but because neither of them ended up being the book that I thought they would be, neither were books that I liked (too disappointing), and both had elements to them that seriously pissed me off.
The Snowball Effect by Holly Nicole Hoxter had a lot of potential. There was a lot to the story that I liked. I actually really loved reading about where the title came from, kind of the idea that you can't dwell on the past, can't try to go back to what it was, because your perception of the past is always changing and because you are always changing, you aren't going to be effected in the same way again.
But overall, this book was one big disappointment after another. Lainey has an awesome boyfriend who loves her and wants to start talking about marriage and starting a family, but she isn't ready for that. Which is fine. But instead of really talking to him about it, explaining how she feels, she pretty much ignores him, sorta maybe hooks up with a new guy and never actually breaks things off with old boyfriend. Not cool. If you are unhappy in a relationship, work it out or break it off. Don't start a new one without finishing off the old.
But what made me madder than anything else was the way that Lainey and her estranged older sister, Valerie treat her younger brother, five year old Colin who has an unspecified mental illness. Lainey's mom committed suicide after her husband's death leaving Lainey and Valerie to care for Colin, a boy she had taken in as a foster child and decided to adopt. I get that the sisters are pretty young (Lainey is 18, Valerie a few years older), especially to now be responsible for a 5 year old with mental health problems BUT that does not excuse the way they treated him, or the way the mom treated him. They are very harsh, often yelling and screaming at him for things he can't really control. And it's just did NOT sit well with me. I have a hard time enjoying a book when I am so angry about the treatment of a character. I know it wasn't the focal point of the story — Lainey's growth as a person is, but it was handled so abominably that I just couldn't really enjoy the book.
I never really connected with this one. It felt gimmicky and forced. There were things added that felt like drama-increasers, things that didn't really have a point or purpose other than to (blatantly) push the plot a certain direction, or give Lainey something else to dwell on. And, pretty much every character was super annoying, whether I liked them or not. I wouldn't want to ever meet any of these guys in real life. It was an overall fine book, just one that didn't really work for me.
Future Imperfect by K. Ryer Breese however was worse. Much much worse. I don't think I have a single positive thing to say about this book, so I shall try to make my review brief.
Every single character in this book was trashy, crazy and strung out throughout most of the book. The only semi normal character is Ade's best friend Paige, but she isn't given a lot of face time and she is an enabler. I couldn't connect with anything or anyone in this book and I didn't care about any of them. Not a single character evoked any emotion within me other than disgust.
The supernatural elements were almost believable, until Ade's new 'girlfriend' shows up. Ade can see the future when he gives himself a concussion, and that glimpse of the future becomes a high for him, so he does increasingly dangerous and stupid things to maintain it. I'm honestly surprised he isn't dead. His friends just tsk-tsk at him and his mom has decided he's pretty much the freaking Messiah. And then? AND THEN?! When the girl he's been seeing in visions for years shows up, the girl he knows he is meant to be with, things just get weirder. Turns out she can see the past. But you'll never guess what she has to do to gain her high... Gag.
The writing was decent, nothing amazing, but not terrible but the dialogue was awkward. It was a creepy book, and not in that — *shudder* hide under the covers with a flashlight creepy, but that — nasty old man who stares at you with his hands in his pocket until you rush around the corner kind of creepy. (vomit in the mouth).
Most books, even ones I didn't particularly care for, I can see the appeal or recognize that there are people who will enjoy it. But this one? This is one that I would not recommend to anyone. So if I were you, I'd just give this one a pass.