Merry Wanderer of the Night [Search results for Winner

  • Winner of Asian Model Search 2011 - Vietnamese model Nguyen Thi Tuyet Lan was announced the winner of Asian Model Search 2011

    Winner of Asian Model Search 2011 - Vietnamese model Nguyen Thi Tuyet Lan was announced the winner of Asian Model Search 2011
  • Massive Fairy Tale Fortnight Winners List!!

    Hello, lovelies! Hope you're having a great day — and for a lot of you, it's about to get better. Settle in for a really long list of winners from Fairy Tale Fortnight.

    Disclaimer: All winners will be emailed, and will have 2 days (48 hours) to respond before a new winner will be picked. No exceptions — there are just too many giveaways, and too many sponsors waiting on shipping information for us to wait on responses.
    All winners chosen with, based on criteria in each individual giveaway.

    Now, lets get to it, shall we?

    Anahita's Woven Riddle 6 people guessed the correct country (Iran), but there's only 1 winner: Congratulations, Vickie Mae!

    The Princess and the Hound by Mette Ivie Harrison The winning question was — I have a crush on my very handsome best friend, but I notice he tends to prefer short and not very bright skinny blonds (that are my total opposite). How do I get him to look at me as more than just a friend? This question was asked by — Karla VollKopf!

    Jessica Day George Prize Pack #1 Includes: an ARC of Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow and a paperback of Princess of the Midnight Ball Devony!

    The Healer's Apprentice by Melanie Dickerson Vidisha!

    Zoë Marriott Prize Pack Susanna!

    Jaclyn Dolamore bookplates Mearadh!

    The Uses of Enchantment by Bruno Bettleheim
    Lindsey M.!

    Just Ella by Margaret Peterson Haddix Birgit!

    Hoppy Easter Blog Hop Giveaway: Bee!

    The Introverted Reader's Prize Pack (print + book of choice) Lexie! (whose book of choice is Princess of Glass!)

    Ash by Malinda Lo Ana Lucia!

    Impossible by Nancy Werlin Scoot, whose fave childhood fairy tale was Beauty and the Beast!
    Extraordinary by Nancy Werlin ArtsyBookishGal, whose favorite villain is Ursula from The Little Mermaid!

    Nancy Werlin Prize Pack wins both Extraordinary and Impossible Casey! (The Bookish Type) whose fairy tale name would be Asparagus.

    The Princess and the Hound by Mette Ivie Harrison
    winner TBD

    Jessica Day George Pack #2
    includes Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow, Princess of the Midnight Ball and Princess of Glass

    Fables by Bill Willingham Kat! (email begins with ave)

    Fragile Things + Black Thorn, White Rose

    My Fair Godmother by Janette Rallison

    A True Princess by Diane Zahler
    Lieder Madchen!

    A True Princess/The Thirteenth Princess swag
    Small Review!
    Brenda Jean!

    Winners Choice from Enna Isilee
    Alexa (chose Entwined)!
    Brenda Jean (chose Entwined)!
    I think I see a theme here!

    Shadow Spinner by Susan Fletcher, signed

    Acrostic Poem ~ YA Prize Pack The Girl on Fire!

    Acrostic Poem ~ Kids Prize Pack

    ARC of My Unfair Godmother + How to Take the Ex Out of Ex-boyfriend, by Janette Rallison (both signed)

    Juniper Berry by M.P. Kozlowsky

    Mermaid by Carolyn Turgeon, signed

    Winner's Choice of an Alex Flinn book, from Sheila

    StarCrossed by Elizabeth C. Bunce
    Carmella V.!

    Congrats everyone! Remember, if we email you for your address and we don't hear back by Wednesday, a new winner will be chosen.

  • WINNERS!!!

    So, I'm actually doing a winners post!! I know, right?! I'm terrible at actually getting these things up.: P

    First, I had a giveaway from Jill Alexander for a signed copy of her book The Sweetheart of Prosper County. I read and (mostly) enjoyed Paradise, so I'm jealous of this winner! And — it is:

    I've already heard back from Mary and will get her book mailed as soon as I hear back from the read-a-thon winners! (So be fast peeps!)

    Alright — So... This contest was WAY harder to judge than I thought! I thought I was being all awesome, deciding to pick my favorite recommendation as a winner, but it was hard!! Like, really hard!! So... I'm really sorry if I didn't pick you. There were just WAY too many!

    Also, I think is MAGICAL!! I SWEAR!! Because while I was struggling to pick one favorite, picked the recommendation that had my favorite line. That's pretty awesome!

    So — The random winner is: UPDATED

    Nikki @ Wicked Awesome Books actually already owns each of the books I was offering, so the new random winner is:

    Raelena @ Through the Haze She has been emailed!:)

    My favorite rec winner is:

    Momo @ Books Over Boys
    Why did I pick this one? Because Momo took two books that I didn't previously have any interest in reading and made me WANT to read them. Which is unusual for me. And, really, isn't that the point of a book recommendation?! To match a reader with something they might have overlooked? So, yay for Momo! I'll have to see about finding copies soon!:)
    Rather than put full recommendations in this post, I do want to give a shout-out to some of my favorites by including my favorite lines from their recs so here are my top favorite lines: All names will link to their posts.

    Nikki @ Wicked Awesome Books said of The Near Witch:

    It's like a bedtime story come to life... Ya'll know how I feel about fairy tales, yes?

    Usagi @ Birth of a New Witch said of Wasteland:

    I emotionally connected with the characters and I’m sure you will, too. And I have the heart of a Vulcan. Or maybe no heart at all, I’m not sure. But I felt like I had one while reading this book. Hahaha! This seriously had me laughing. And it made me want to give Francesca Lia Block another try even though I was so not impressed with the one I've read.

    Jenna @ Jenna's Blog said of The Book Thief, regarding Death (the narrator):

    Any author who can make me feel emotion for a personified abstract noun writes extremely well. Umm. This is truth. Plus I also just really love that book!

    Zoe @ A Corner of My Bookshelf said of One Night that Changes Everything:
    It was a quick, fun read that was cute and catchy. (Kinda like a Disney movie, but who's asking anyway;) ) Because who doesn't love Disney movies!?: P

    Rachel @ Endless Reading said of Les Miserables and The Counte of Monte Cristo:
    Les Mis is all about redemption and love and war. Just phenomenal. Monte Cristo is about betrayal and revenge being best served cold. These are two of my very favorite classics and I love that her recs for them are short, to the point and definitely peak my interest.

    There were SO many more that I could have chosen quotes from and tons that came close to be favorites! I have tons of new books to add to my tbr now! Thank you to everyone who participated!!: D

  • FTF Giveaway from author Regina Doman!

    Alright Fairy Tale fans! My last giveaway comes from author Regina Doman! She has generously offered a copy of any one the books in her fairy tale series to one lucky winner!

    Her series, A Fairy Tale Retold, covers several different fairy tale favorites. With five books in the series, Regina's stories retell the 1001 Tales, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Snow White and Rose Red and The Twelve Dancing Princesses.

    These books have been on my wishlist for a long time. I haven't read any of them yet, but I've been eyeing them for over 3 years now.

    These books are each set in the modern world and use modern teenagers to tell these fairy tales.

    Regina has been generous enough to offer the book of choice to one lucky winner within the US, UK, Europe, or Australia. And, if the winner is from the US, the book of your choice will be signed!

    To enter — Leave a comment with which book you would pick if you are the winner! And, why not tell us which fairy tale you would love to see a retelling of next!

    AND head on over to The Book Rat for an interview with Regina!!

  • Once Upon a Time Read-a-Thon Mini-Challenge! — CONTEST CLOSED

    ALRIGHT — The contest is now over! It's going to take me a while to go through all the entrants, so I'm hoping to have the winners listed by Sunday! Good luck to everyone!

    Today is my mini-challenge for the Once Upon a Time Read-a-thon!! I'm hoping to make this one easy for you.:)

    Anyone who talks to me on Twitter knows that I simply live for book recommendations and getting someone to read a book I recommend is awesome. Even better though, is having that someone turn around and tell me how much they loved it.:)

    Because I'm such a fan of book recommendations, I want you to recommend books to me. I want you to recommend 2 books to me.

    The first is any book of your choice. Pick any book you want and tell me and the world why it should be read and loved.

    The second is what you would pick as your favorite of the read-a-thon. You can chose to answer this question now, during the third day, or I'll give you one extra day to give that book just waiting to be picked up a chance.:)

    How to enter — write your recommendation pitches into your read-a-thon update posts and then come back here and leave a link in the comments. IF you do not have a blog, you may leave your recs in the comments as well, but I would prefer you to link me to a post if possible.

    This giveaway is only open to participants of the Read-a-thon. It will be open from now (the time of posting) until Friday around noon MST. That should give you plenty of time to pick those favorites and pitch them to me.

    There will be two winners — One winner will be chosen from The second winner will be whoever manages to write the most convincing and compelling pitch. If your recommendation manages to instill that happy giddy feeling I get when I hear about an upcoming book I just know I'm going love, you win. (Which, in case you didn't guess, means that this winner will be a completely subjective choice)

    :) I'll contact both winners via email, and on Friday, I will also announce the winners on the blog, along with their winning recommendations!:)

    *Note — These recommendations are designed to get someone knew to read a book you love. Which means I do not want to see any "Read Book X because it totes rox!" But I also don't want to see a 4 pg review of the book. So, convince me in a standard sized paragraph.:)

    The winner(s) will have their choice between a copy of
    The Unwritten Rule by Elizabeth Scott (PB)
    The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan (PB)
    If I Stay by Gayle Forman (PB)
    Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta (HC)
    Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins (HC)

    If they both pick the same book, whoever emails me back first will get their first pick.

  • The Winner of the 200th Post Mega Book Giveaway Is...

    The Winner of the 200th Post Mega Book Giveaway Is...

    personalized greetings

    I have contacted the winner to obtain her mailing address. If I do not receive a response within 48 hours another winner will be selected. Check back later today when I announce the winner of the Mother's Day Hardbacker Giveway!

  • Manny Pacquiao Vs Shane Mosley: Who's the Winner?

    Manny Pacquiao Vs Shane Mosley: Who's the Winner?
    Manny Pacquiao Vs Shane Mosley: Who's the Winner?

    One of the biggest boxing fights of the year takes place this Saturday asManny Pacquiao vs Shane Mosleyduke it out for the WBO welterweight title. Mosley looks for his first win in over a year while the Pac Man hopes to extend his 13-fight winning streak.
    If there is any chance that Mosley has of pulling off the upset it will come in the first few rounds. Mosley just appears to be too old in his last few fights to fight a competitive fight for 12 rounds. His last fight with Sergio Mora was not very exciting and while he had a great second round against Floyd Mayweather, it was a one sided drubbing. At this point it appears Mosley may have peaked with his TKO win over Antonio Margarita.
    Pacquiao is a machine and is always looking for the knockout whether it is the first or twelfth round. His last three fights have gone the distance, yet the Pac Man was never in any serious danger in any of them. He obliterated Miguel Cotto who probably had the best chance of Pacquiao’s last few opponents of beating him. His twelve round decision win over Margarito in his last fight was a one-sided affair in a bout that would have never happened if not for Mayweather’s reluctance to fight Pacquiao.
    Manny Pacquiao vs Shane Mosley

    Pacquiao has averaged 85.6 punches per round and a 47 percent power connect rate at welterweight. The breakdown also points out Pacquiao’s lengthy bursts of bone breaking flurries of punches in later rounds of recent fights. There is no way that Mosley can withstand that kind of punishment for twelve rounds and keep up with the Pac Man’s speed.
    Mosley’s numbers are a mix of good and bad when breaking down his last few fights. In his last fight against Mora, Mosley was superior allowing Mora to land just 18.3% of his shots. Those reflexes are impressive for a guy Mosley’s age. However, the numbers aren’t so favorable in the Mayweather fight which was just a blowout in favor of Money. Mayweather outlanded him overall 208-92, connecting on 46.1 percent of his power shots.
    Yet as even Mosley’s biggest supporters will concede, he is going to have a hell of a time keeping up with the speed and brutality of Pacquiao.
    SEE ALSO:VIDEO Highlights Manny Pacquiao Defeats Shane Mosley

    VIA Manny Pacquiao Vs Shane Mosley: Who's the Winner?

  • Award Winning Reads Challenge Giveaway/Prize information

    I'm warning you right now — this is going to be a bit of a long post. But I promise it will be well worth it!

    For all of those participating in the Award Winning Reads Challenge hosted by myself and Jacinda at The Reading Housewives, or any of you thinking you might want to participate but haven't decided yet, this post is for you.

    In our intro post to the Challenge, both Jacinda and I made promises for lots of great prizes and giveaways for participants. This post is just to offer a little more detail and explanation for how each giveaway will work.

    To start — The most basic:

    For each level of participation, there will be a specific giveaway. So those who sign up to read three books will have a drawing independent of those who sign up to read nine. Each of the four levels will have one winner.

    Jacinda and I both have a selection of books that we are going to donate, with titles from both the Newbery and the Printz list. Some are brand new, some look brand new, and some are gently used. This forms our prize pool. A full list will be provided at a later date.

    To be chosen as the winner from your reading level, you must complete your goal. You can read more than your challenge level, but you must at least reach it. This will earn you one entry.

    For every book you read past your reading goal, you will gain an additional entry.

    For every review you post a Newbery or Printz honor or award, you will gain an additional entry.

    To encourage people to sign up for the reading level they think they are capable of, and not just sign up for level one and then read 100 books, the number of books you can win increases with each level increase.

    The winner from Level one will receive 2 books from the prize pack.
    Level two will receive 3.
    Level three will receive 4.
    And Level four will receive 5.

    We are also going to have a giveaway for one random participant, whether you complete your level or not. Everyone who signs up and agrees to participate will be eligible for this prize, although if you win the prize pack for your reading level, you will not be able to win this one.

    The final giveaway that is for sure going to happen is a special giveaway, just from me. Jacinda and I are on the same page with the whole challenge, and are working very well together, but I wanted to include this giveaway, because I am a book pusher. I like the idea that other people are reading my favorite books, and that authors I find especially gifted are getting extra love.

    So, I decided to offer the participants of this challenge a special incentive for reading my favorite books. Below, I have compiled a list of 10 (ish) books each from both the Newbery and the Printz award lists. I've included a Goodreads and Amazon link to each title for your convenience. If you want more information about a book, or if you want to know why I seriously think you should read it, just ask! Comment, email, tweet, whatever!:) I love talking up my favorite books!

    Anyone who reads any of these books will be entered in to win a special drawing. Reviewing the book will gain you an additional entry as well. (Note — if you don't have a blog, that's totally okay! Posting a review anywhere will count! Goodreads, Shelfari, LibraryThing, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, Books A Million etc etc etc. As long as it's a review, it's online and you can link me, it counts!)

    The number of winners and the prizes to be won for this giveaway are yet to be determined. Part of this is going to depend on the number of participants, some will depend on how my pocket book is feeling come September, and some will depend on how excited I am that (hopefully) so many people are reading my favorites. At this point, it's likely to include at the very least a book of your choice from the complete awards lists, but I might also include some of my own personal favorites in there as well. Suggestions and preferences are welcomed. And now:

    THE LIST: Printz: * Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta (amazon; goodreads) (2009 Award) * The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart (amazon; goodreads) (2009 Honor) * The Book Thief (amazon; goodreads) / I am the Messenger by Marcus Zusak (amazon; goodreads) (2007 Honor/ 2006 honor, respectively) * Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson (amazon; goodreads) (2000 Honor) * Monster by Walter Dean Meyers (amazon; goodreads) (2000 Award) * The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer (amazon; goodreads) (2003 Honor) * Hard Love by Ellen Wittlinger (amazon; goodreads) (2000 Honor) * Going Boving by Libba Bray (amazon; goodreads) (2010 Award)
    * how i live now by Meg Rosoff (amazon; goodreads) (2005 Award)
    * The Body of Christopher Creed by Carol Plum-Ucci (amazon; goodreads) (2001 Honor)

    Newbery: * When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead (amazon; goodreads) (2010 Award) * Rules by Cynthia Lord (amazon; goodreads) (2007 Honor) * The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Spear (amazon; goodreads) (1959 Award) * Dicey's Song (amazon; goodreads) / A Solitary Blue by Cynthia Voigt (amazon; goodreads) (Books 2 and 3 of the Tillerman Saga) (1983 Award/ 1984 Honor, respectively) * Walk Two Moons (amazon; goodreads) / The Wanderer by Sharon Creech (amazon; goodreads) (1995 Award/ 2001 Honor, respectively) * Pictures of Hollis Woods by Patricia Reilly Giff (amazon; goodreads) (2003 Honor) *Enchantress from the Stars by Sylvia Engdahl (amazon; goodreads) (1971 Honor) * The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt (amazon; goodreads) (2008 Honor) * The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi (amazon; goodreads) (1991 Honor) * The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman (amazon; goodreads) (2009 Award)
    I can't wait to see what everyone plans to read! Stop by here or over at The Reading Housewives tomorrow for our kick off posts. I'll be including links to previous Newbery/Printz reviews here on the blog and giving you a peek at my tentative reading pile. I believe we will also have a linky with the post, so feel free to link up your starting post!
    Tomorrows the day! Happy reading!
    *Ashley and Jacinda reserve the right to change the number of prizes for each level. We will keep you informed of any and all decisions regarding prizes. Three months is a long time. I can't guarantee that everything in this post is going to remain exactly the same. But take heart. This also means we can give you more books!:)


    The always phenomenal folks at Walden Pond Press pretty much rock my face. And today, they have offered up this giveaway of insanely awesome win!

    Because they love fairy tales as much as we do, they are offering up a fairy tale trio to one lucky winner.

    That one winner will receive a hardcover copy with a signed bookplate of:

    (Click to read an excerpt and get
    a sneak peek at the fabulous illustrations.
    and click again to read Christopher's guest
    post on humor in fairy tales!)

    (in my blog to be taken to Goodreads. I haven't read this one, but I'm dying to.)


    (Click for my review. And then click again for an excerpt of this one too!)

    TO ENTER: Leave me a comment with what you think is the funniest moment in fairy tales (morbidly funny works for me...)
    Also — make sure you've filled out the FTF Giveaway form! (And check out Misty's blog too! I told you, the folks at Walden are made of win! They are offering this same prize pack to a winner from Misty's blog too!)

    Click the button to be taken to the
    Fairy Tale Fortnight Main Page & Schedule
    (button image via)

  • And the Winner of the Mother's Day Hardbacker Giveway Is..

    And the Winner of the Mother's Day Hardbacker Giveway Is.. - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

    Congratulations! I've contacted the winner via email to obtain her mailing address. If the prize is not claimed within 48 hrs, another winner will be selected.

  • The winner of Asian Model Search 2011 is Nguyen Thi Tuyet Lan

    The winner of Asian Model Search 2011 is Nguyen Thi Tuyet Lan
    Vietnamese model Nguyen Thi Tuyet Lan was announced the winner of Asian Model Search 2011 at the Fashion Season @ Orchard closing party held at the newly revamped Shaw Theatres Lido on May 6, 2011.
    Special thanks and credits

    VIA The winner of Asian Model Search 2011 is Nguyen Thi Tuyet Lan

  • 18-year-old Cleo Heuss is the winner of Miss Zürich 2011 - compete in Miss Schweiz 2011 pageant to be held on September 24, 2011

    18-year-old Cleo Heuss is the winner of Miss Zürich 2011 - compete in Miss Schweiz 2011 pageant to be held on September 24, 2011
    Winner ofMiss Zürich 2011
    18-year-oldCleo Heusswon the title and will advance to compete inMiss Schweiz 2011pageant to be held onSeptember 24, 2011.
    (L-R) Samira Wirth, Cleo Heuss und Jennifer Arman
    Miss Schweiz Kerstin Cook, Miss Zürich 2011 Cleo Heuss und Miss Zürich 2010 Nathalie Raguth.
    Courtesy of Miss Zurich

    source: (Thank you and credits to
    and all sources for the information and pictures)

    VIA 18-year-old Cleo Heuss is the winner of Miss Zürich 2011 - compete in Miss Schweiz 2011 pageant to be held on September 24, 2011

  • Mariana Notarangelo da Fonseca, Miss Brazil is the winner of Miss Global Beauty Queen 2011

    Mariana Notarangelo da Fonseca, Miss Brazil is the winner of Miss Global Beauty Queen 2011
    Miss Brazil Mariana Notarangelo da Fonseca is the winner of the Miss Global Beauty Queen pageant held in Seoul, Korea, on May 10th.
    Miss Global Beauty Queen 2011, Mariana Notarangelo da Fonseca (Brazil)

    The 1st runner-up was Miss Korea (Haemy Chung); 2nd runner-up was Australia (Danielle Byrnes); 3rd runner-up was Miss Russia (Natalia Chirkova) and the 4th runner-up was Caylene Marais of South Africa.
    1st runner-up, Miss Korea (Haemy Chung)

    2nd runner-up, Australia (Danielle Byrnes)

    The beauties from Greece, India, Serbia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Estonia, Albania and Thailand completed the semifinalists.
    This is the 2nd international title for Mariana Notarangelo. In 2010, she was crowned International Queen of Coffee in Manizales, Colombia.
    Special thanks and credits to GlobalBeauties

    source: (Thank you and credits to
    and all sources for the information and pictures)

    VIA Mariana Notarangelo da Fonseca, Miss Brazil is the winner of Miss Global Beauty Queen 2011

  • Miss Philippines Earth 2011 Batch 1 & 2 Contestants - The winner will represent the Philippines in Miss Earth 2011 on December 3, 2011

    Miss Philippines Earth 2011 Batch 1 & 2 Contestants - The winner will represent the Philippines in Miss Earth 2011 on December 3, 2011
    Miss Philippines Earth 2011 Candidates
    Miss Philippines Earth 2011 celebrating it's 11th year will be held on June 5 in Puerto Princesa, Palawan. The reigning Miss Philippines Earth 2010, Kris Psyche Resus (photo above) will crown her successor at the end of the contest.
    This year's pageant theme was the "International Year of the Forests" as it centers this year’s pageant edition with the promotion of forests conservation.
    The winner will represent the Philippines in Miss Earth 2011 pageant to be held in Pattaya, Thailand on December 3.
    miss philippines earth 2011 municipality of alabat gabrielle marie cabrera
    Miss Mun. of Alabat
    Gabrielle Marie Cabrera

    miss philippines earth 2011 antipolo city klaudine palma
    Miss Antipolo City
    Klaudine Palma

    miss philippines earth 2011 baguio city christine kate adi
    Miss Baguio City
    Christine Kate Adi

    miss philippines earth 2011 municipality of balagtas beverlyn alquiros
    Miss Mun. of Balagtas
    Beverlyn Alquiros

    miss philippines earth 2011 balanga city dindi joy pajares
    Miss Balanga City
    Dindi Joy Pajares

    miss philippines earth 2011 municipality of baliwag vivienne andrea gulla
    Miss Mun. of Baliwag
    Vivienne Andrea Gulla

    miss philippines earth 2011 bayugan city alyssa mae canizares
    Miss Bayugan City
    Alyssa Mae Canizares

    miss philippines earth 2011 cagayan de oro city catherine almirante
    Miss Cagayan de Oro City
    Catherine Almirante

    miss philippines earth 2011 municipality of cainta christianne ramos
    Miss Mun. of Cainta
    Christianne Ramos

    miss philippines earth 2011 calamba city mardie rose enriquez
    Miss Calamba City
    Mardie Rose Enriquez

    miss philippines earth 2011 calapan city mary sheila rosales
    Miss Calapan City
    Mary Sheila Rosales

    miss philippines earth 2011 caloocan city clarizze angelica barrameda
    Miss Caloocan City
    Clarizze Angelica Barrameda

    miss philippines earth 2011 fil canada imelda gaborno
    Miss Fil Canada
    Imelda Gaborno

    miss philippines earth 2011 municipality of capalonga mercy malaluan
    Miss Mun. of Capalonga
    Mercy Malaluan

    miss philippines earth 2011 municipality of casiguran athena mae imperial
    Miss Mun. of Casiguran
    Athena Mae Imperial

    miss philippines earth 2011 cotabato edan dafilmoto
    Miss Cotabato City
    Edan Dafilmoto

    miss philippines earth 2011 cebu city murielle adrienne orais
    Miss Cebu City
    Murielle Adrienne Orais

    miss philippines earth 2011 davao city honey claire arranguez
    Miss Davao City
    Honey Claire Arranguez

    miss philippines earth 2011 general santos city catrine rosary ocampo
    Miss Gen. Santos City
    Catrine Rosary Ocampo

    miss philippines earth 2011 municipality of imus angela patricia medina
    Miss Mun. of Imus
    Angela Patricia Medina

    miss philippines earth 2011 municipality of labo rhizsa jerrika bravo
    Miss Mun. of Labo
    Rhizsa Jerrika Bravo

    miss philippines earth 2011 las pinas city michelle gavagan
    Miss Las Pinas City
    Michelle Gavagan

    miss philippines earth 2011 municipality of libungan crista juanico
    Miss Mun. of Libungan
    Crista Juanico

    miss philippines earth 2011 lipa city czshevinah hae alejandro
    Miss Lipa City
    Czshevinah Hae Alejandro

    miss philippines earth 2011 municipality of loay renee soraya hassani
    Miss Mun. of Loay
    Renee Soraya Hassani

    miss philippines earth 2011 municipality of loboc aileene ella dango
    Miss Mun. of Loboc
    Aileene Ella Dango

    miss philippines earth 2011 makati city tarhata clio shari rico
    Miss Makati City
    Tarhata Clio Shari Rico

    miss philippines earth 2011 malolos city mary denisse toribio
    Miss Malolos City
    Mary Denisse Toribio

    miss philippines earth 2011 manila city margo katherine midwinter
    Miss Manila City
    Margo Katherine Midwinter

    miss philippines earth 2011 municipality of midsayap mary grace jedaver opingo
    Miss Mun. of Midsayap
    Mary Grace Jedaver Opingo

    miss philippines earth 2011 municipality of milaor jaine hidalgo
    Miss Mun. of Milaor
    Jaine Hidalgo

    miss philippines earth 2011 municipality of narvacan ralph lauren asuncion
    Miss Mun. of Narvacan
    Ralph Lauren Asuncion

    miss philippines earth 2011 pagadian city maria alicia elena ariosa
    Miss Pagadian City
    Ma. Alicia Elena Ariosa

    miss philippines earth 2011 paranaque city zhaniethia villanueva
    Miss Paranaque City
    Zhaniethia Villanueva

    miss philippines earth 2011 municipality of parang joti babrah
    Miss Mun. of Parang
    Joti Babrah

    miss philippines earth 2011 passi city diana angelie jainga
    Miss Passi City
    Diana Angelie Jainga

    miss philippines earth 2011 puerto princesa jonavi raisa quiray
    Miss Puerto Princesa
    Jonavi Raisa Quiray

    miss philippines earth 2011 san fernando city erika marie syhongpan
    Miss San Fernando City
    Erika Marie Syhongpan

    miss philippines earth 2011 municipality of san isidro leslie ching
    Miss Mun. of San Isidro
    Leslie Ching

    miss philippines earth 2011 san juan city ana maria gracia baladad
    Miss San Juan City
    Ana Ma. Gracia Baladad

    miss philippines earth 2011 san pedro city princess jennifer iñosa
    Miss San Pedro City
    Princess Jennifer Inosa

    miss philippines earth 2011 municipality of santo tomas norella nacis
    Miss Mun. of Sto Tomas
    Norella Nacis

    miss philippines earth 2011 santiago city jaymie lou pagulayan
    Miss Santiago City
    Jaymie Lou Pagulayan

    miss philippines earth 2011 sapi an caraleigh ico
    Miss Mun. of Sapi-an
    Caraleigh Ico

    miss philippines earth 2011 tanauan city diane carmela querrer
    Miss Tanauan City
    Diane Carmela Querrer

    miss philippines earth 2011 fil central usa cari dawn conejero campbell
    Miss Fil Central USA
    Cari-Dawn Conejero Campbell

    miss philippines earth 2011 fil east coast usa brenna cassandra gamboa
    Miss Fil East Coast USA
    Brenna Cassandra Gamboa
    miss philippines earth 2011 vigan city diana rose santos
    Miss Vigan City
    Diana Rose Santos
    miss philippines earth 2011 virac anna amalia brillante
    Miss Mun. of Virac
    Anna Amalia Brillante

    source: (Thank you and credits to
    and all sources for the information and pictures)

    VIA Miss Philippines Earth 2011 Batch 1 & 2 Contestants - The winner will represent the Philippines in Miss Earth 2011 on December 3, 2011

  • This Week's Winners

    This Week's Winners

    Winner of an ARC of "Living Dead Girl": Julie P.!
    Winner of the National Book Festival Poster: Violet Crush!

    If you entered your email address in your comment I will contact you directly for your address. If you didn't, please email me directly at jenlaw77ATearthlinkDOTnet.


  • Giveaway from Book Journey! — CLOSED

    In addition to providing a guest review for us, (read her review of Cloaked ), Sheila from Book Journey has generously offered a giveaway for our lucky readers today! It's pretty simple. Here, from Sheila herself, is what you have to do:
    In celebration of the FUN that is Fairy Tale Fortnight I wanted to offer a giveaway. First, read my review of Cloaked at The Book Rat and leave a comment there about the review. Then return here and share with us your favorite fairy tale and why.

    A winner will be chosen using and the winner will get to choose from one of three of Alex Finn's books that I will send them from Amazon: Cloaked, A Kiss In Time, or Beastly.

    USA and Canada entrants only please. Ends May 5th May 8th

  • Lori Andrews Contest!

    Lori Andrews Contest!

    The winner of this contest will receive all three books in Lori Andrew's Dr. Anita Blake Series, including her newest, Immunity.

    To enter the contest, post a comment on my blog. To be entered twice, mention this contest on your blog. Please be sure to include a link to your blog (if applicable) and your email address in your comment.

    Winner will be announced Saturday, September 13.

  • Review and Giveaway: Fragile Eternity by Melissa Marr

    Review and Giveaway: Fragile Eternity by Melissa Marr

    In this sequel to Wicked Lovely, we find Aislinn, the new Summer queen, quickly adjusting to her new role. Her relationship with her mortal boyfriend, Seth, is threatened by her inexplicable attraction to Keenan, the Summer king.

    Keenan is having his own relationship troubles. He's madly in love with Donia, the Winter queen. She refuses to share him with Aislin, and the powers they wield are a physical barrier. All attempts at closeness are quickly thwarted by physical injury.

    Seth witnesses the closeness between Aislinn and Keenan. He realizes that, as a mortal, his time with Aislinn is limited, compared to the . If he became a faery, he and Aislinn would be together for all time. He disappears, leaving Aislinn questioning their relationship. In his absence, she becomes closer to Keenan. Will Seth return in time to quelch the budding relationship between Aislinn and Keenan?

    The world that Marr creates is absolutely addictive. The vivid language draws you in and the detail put in to each of the character holds your attention for the entire book. Marr did a great job of adding more depth to each of the characters introduced in Wicked Lovely. We learn a great deal more about Seth and the characters that make up the Dark and High courts. This series is highly addictive and promises Marr never-ending success in in the young adult publishing arena.

    About the author:

    Melissa Marr grew up believing in faeries, ghosts, and various other creatures. After teaching college literature for a decade, she applied her fascination with folklore to writing. Wicked Lovely was her first novel. Currently, Marr lives in the Washington, D.C., area, writes full-time, and still believes in faeries and ghosts.

    To be entered into the giveaway for my advance reader copy of Fragile Eternity, simply answer a trivia question about the author, Melissa Marr. If there are multiple correct answers, I will use to generate the name of the winner. The winner will be revealed on Friday, May 1.

    Question: What young adult novel made Marr "pause in awe?"

    To enter, please follow this link

  • Giveaway Winners!

    Giveaway Winners!

    The Got Books Event has come to an end and while I'm sad the fun is over I'm excited to announce the winners of my giveaway! I am giving away two great nonfiction books, Notes From No Man's Land by Eula Biss and The Moon, Come to Earth by Philip Graham. Yeah yeah, you know right! So who won?

    The winner of Notes From No Man's Land is Betty! Congratulations Betty, be sure to check out her blog Reflections With Coffee.

    The winner of The Moon, Come to Earth is Vasilly! Congratulations Vasilly, be sure to check out her blog 1330V.

    The winners were chosen using the true random number generator. The Got Books Event was a huge success in my opinion. I learned about several other blogs and got some new visitors at my blog. Friday and Saturday were both record breaking days here! I really want to thank GMR from Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers and Danielle from There's a Book for hosting this awesome event- I can't wait until next year's!

  • Winner of Babydoll!

    Winner of Babydoll! - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

    The winner has been contacted. Thanks to all who entered! Check back next week for some exciting new giveaways!