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  • In Memory of Dewey

    In Memory of Dewey

    DEWEY began blogging at The Hidden Side of a Leaf in April 2007. While her main topic was books - book reviews, book discussions, reading challenges, book giveaways - her focus was always on building community, as she said herself:

    My main focus in blogging is community. I want to share my love for books with other bloggers, hear what they think of what they’re reading, and have lots of bookish fun. My non-review blog activities...are all meant to build community.

    In just over a year and a half as a book blogger, Dewey quickly became a leader in the community she sought to foster. Her book reviews were well-thought-out, insightful, and thorough; her style of reviewing and the books she wrote about influenced the reading and blogging choices of many other book bloggers - and while she was a prolific reviewer, her reading outpaced her reviewing, and she often remarked about being behind on her reviews. In addition to her own reading and reviewing, Dewey organized and managed several reading challenges, and founded three events which spread across the book-blogging community: the semi-annual 24-Hour Read-a-Thon, the monthly Bookworms Carnivals, and Weekly Geeks.

    In April 2008, Dewey proposed a new sort of "challenge" at her blog; not a reading challenge, but a blogging challenge, to be called "Weekly Geeks" - her initial post to gauge interest in the idea prompted 150 people to sign up! The challenge would involve a weekly assignment - a question, a task, a theme - to be completed and posted on the Geeks' individual blogs and linked at the main assignment post. Not every Geek participated every week, some assignments were more popular than others, and new Geeks joined in as the word spread. Visiting other Geeks' posts for that week was part of the assignment as well, which is where Dewey's community-building focus kicked in.

    The book-blogging community was stunned and saddened by the news that Dewey passed away on Tuesday, November 25, 2008 - but it never doubted that Dewey's contributions to it would live on, and there was a drive to continue the events she founded. It will take committees of bloggers and several blogs to keep them going, though. Welcome to the new home of Weekly Geeks, part of Dewey's legacy to the community she was so important to.

    Written by Florinda

    The following table contains links to the many posts that have been written in memory of Dewey:

    Blog Name
    Tribute Post
    Weekly Geek Post
    1 More Chapter Dewey You'll Be Missed -- 1330V Dewey Thinking Of Dewey 3 Rs Reading, ‘Riting Randomness Book Bloggers Say Goodbye Blogging For Dewey A Garden Carried In The Pocket Requiem -- A Girl Walks Into A Bookstore Dewey -- A Guy’s Moleskine Notebook Goodbye Dewey -- A Reader’s Respite Rest In Peace Dewey -- A Striped Armchair Rest In Peace Dewey -- APOOO Books RIP Dewey -- Armenian Odar Dewey, Thank You For Everything -- At Home With Books In Honor Of Dewey -- B&B ex libris Dewey -- Back To Books A Sad Loss To The World -- Bart’s Bookshelf :( -- Beastmomma Losing A Blogging Pal -- Becky’s Book Reviews Sad News Indeed In Her Own Words Belle Of The Books Dewey Will Be Missed -- Bibliolatry A Great Loss -- BlogHer Remembering Dewey -- Bloody Hell It’s A Book Barrage Farewell, Beautiful Dewey -- Bluestocking Guide Loss In Our Community -- Bluestocking Society Goodbye To Dewey -- Bold. Blue. Adventure We’ll Miss You Dewey -- Book-A-Rama Unbelievably Sad News For Dewey Book Addiction -- Remembering Dewey Book And Cranny Shock and Sadness -- The Book Mine Set Rest In Peace Dewey -- Book Dads The Butterfly Award -- Book Nut -- Geeky Tribute Book Zombie Remembering Dewey This One's For You Bookfoolery And Babble This One's For Dewey -- Bookgirls Nightstand For Dewey -- Bookish Ruth Farewell Dewey -- Booklorn Sad Day -- Bookopolis Bookworms Carnival -- Bookroom Reviews God Bless You Dew -- Books And Border Collies In Memoriam -- Books And Movies A Huge Loss -- Books And Other Thoughts Remembering Dewey -- Books I Done Read Sad News -- Books Of Mee Bye Dewey -- Books On The Brain A Sad Goodbye -- Bookstack Loss Of A Builder -- Bookworm In Memory Tribute Post brideofthebookgod -- Dewey Care’s Online Book Club -- Weekly Geeks Caribousmom Remembering Dewey -- A Loss In Memory Of Dewey Casual Dread -- Dewey ChainReading -- Remembering Dewey Deus ex machina complex Oh Fuck In The Land Of Denial Everyday Reads Prayerful Weekly Geeks Fizzy Thoughts In Memory Of Dewey For Dewey Fyrefly Books In Memoriam -- Galley Cat Book Blogger Dewey -- Giving Reading A Chance Dewey, You Will Be Missed -- Hey Lady! Whatcha Reading? We Love You Dewey -- In Search Of Giants In Memory Of Dewey -- In Spring It Is The Dawn Farewell Dewey -- Incurable Logophilia Bookshelf Peeping -- It’s All About Books Dewey We’ll Miss You Dewey Tribute Just Add Books Huge Loss Making It Count The Kea <3 -- For Dewey -- Kids Book Buzz Farewell To Dewey -- Kittling Books Dewey's Community -- Kristina’s Favorites For Dewey -- Leafing Through Life Missing You -- Life Happens While Books Wait Dewey -- Literary Escapism Sadness In The Book Blogosphere -- Literate Housewife In Remembrance -- Lit*chick Two Things -- Madeleine’s Book Blog In Memory Of Dewey -- Maggie Reads My Eyes Are Dewey -- Maw Books Blog In Which We Say Goodbye -- Melody’s Reading Corner Dewey ... You’ll Be Missed Honouring Dewey Musings Remembering Dewey -- Musings Of A Bookish Kitty In Memory Of Dewey -- My Friend Amy Farewell Dewey For Dewey My Own Little Reading Room My Prayers For Dewey Remembering Dewey My Years Of Reading Seriously Life... -- Naked Without Books Dewey -- Fortress Is Their Library -- Nothing Of Importance This Is Real Life Tribute To Dewey Out Of The Blue Dewey Remembering Dewey Page After Page Life Is So Fleeting Dewey Edition Pages Turned Remembering Dewey -- Passion For The Page -- RIP Dewey The Printed Page Thoughts And Prayers -- Random Wonder In Remembrance -- Reading Adventures Sad News Indeed -- Reading Derby Dewey You Are Missed -- Reading In Appalachia For Dewey -- Reading Is My SuperPower Oh Dewey -- Reading, Writing and Retirement Candle For Dewey For Dewey Ready When You Are C.B. In Memory Of Dewey -- Rebecca Reads A Farewell -- Savvy Verse & Wit My Dearest Dewey Dewey Tribute She Reads Books In Memoria -- Shelf Life Sad News -- Should Be Reading In Memory Of Dewey -- Sleepy Reader For Dewey -- So Many Books, So Little Time Hole In Our World -- So Many Precious Books Today Is A Sad Day In Memory Of Dewey Some Reads So Sad -- Sophisticated Dorkiness Sad News Remembering Dewey Sprite Writes Dewey -- Stephanies Confessions A Terrible Loss... -- Stephanie’s Written Word The Hidden Side Of A Leaf -- Stuff As Dreams Are Made On Oh No... Weekly Geeks Subliminal Intervention -- Dewey Tales From The Reading Room Saying Goodbye -- Tammy’s Book Nook For Dewey, With Love -- Things Mean A Lot Dewey For Dewey Thoughts Of Joy Extremely Sad News -- Tiny Little Reading Room Rest In Peace Dewey -- Tripping Toward Lucidity Loss -- Trish’s Reading Nook In Memory Of Dewey -- True Confessions Of A Book Lover Dewey -- Valentina’s Room -- For Dewey West Of Mars Public Service Announcement -- Word Lily For Dewey Remembering Dewey Worducopia Goodbye -- In Memory Of Dewey Dear Dewey The Written World In Memory Of Dewey -- You Can Never Have Too Many Books Dewey --

    Lisa Roe, an online publicist wrote a three part guest post in memory of Dewey. The posts can be found on these blogs:
    1. Part 1 Dewey, Our Blog Friend Remembered @
    2. Part 2 Lisa Roe’s Memorial Post For Dewey @ BookingMama
    3. Part 2 Lisa Roe Remembers Dewey @ Reading Is My SuperPower

    On BookBlogs.ning by Valerie Russo
    “I was deeply saddened by the news of Dewey's passing. I actually wept at my desk. Dewey last emailed me the week of Thanksgiving and it was very difficult to learn that she is no longer with us I and the rest of the online marketing team here at Hachette Book Group; Kelly Leonard, Miriam Parker, and Anna Balasi, lament the void left in our community. She was truly special and we will miss her. We have made a donation to in her honour and have sent a letter to her husband to inform him of the donation in her memory, which will honor her passion for books by bringing books to disadvantaged children in her name, and to send our condolences and thoughts. Please let me know what the outcome of her blog will be - she had collaborated on a holiday giveaway with me that is already listed at her site and would've ended on 01/01/09. I would still like to send her loyal winning readers their prizes on her behalf. I think she would’ve loved to see the amazing outpouring of love and remembrance from her online friends. I'm really touched by the messages, tweets, blog posts and more I am seeing in her memory. It's truly lovely and well-deserved.”

    stephanie written word 5

  • Just Contemporary Week 3 — Contemporary Round Up

    There have been so many awesome blog posts about Contemporary YA this week! I have loved reading the ones I've discovered, but just know that I had to have missed a bunch. So, if your blog post isn't listed here, please let me know!

    Announcement of Contemporary Win!- A whole bunch of bloggers have gotten together to put on a John Green week this January! How awesome is that?! John Green pretty much oozes Contemporary awesomness so a week to spotlight him sounds awesome! Here is a link to one of the blogs hosting sign ups!:) Click me for John Green Week info!!!

    Also, I cannot believe that I have so far forgotten to mention this — BUT — November is also Aussie Month over at Carla's blog, The Crooked Shelf. Since it's Aussie authors in general, not everything is Contemporary but there is definitely some Contemp love and seriously, who doesn't love Aussie authors?! There must be something in the water over there because they Rock!
    Some of the Contemporary Australian Awesome — An interview with Melina Marchetta! (Whom I absolutely adore!) Reviews of Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley; Everything Beautiful by Simmone Howell; A Straight Line to My Heart by Bill Condon; Good Oil by Laura Buzo;


    Alissa @ The Grammarian — Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver (not entirely Contemp, but mostly)

    Candace @ Candace's Book Blog — Going Too Far by Jennifer Echols (and a giveaway!), The Vinyl Princess by Yvonne Prinz, Dreamland Social Club by Tara Atebrando, Girl Wonder by Alexa Martin and Shattered Soul by Jennifer Snyder (also has an author interview and a giveaway!).

    Somer @ A Bird's Eye View — Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles

    Mandie Baxter — Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta

    Allison @ The Allure of Books — Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta

    Mary @ Anxirium — Five Flavors of Dumb by Antony John

    Jacinda @ The Reading Housewives — Sea by Heidi R. Kling and The Running Dream by Wendelin Van Draanen

    The Busy Bibliophile — You Against Me by Jenny Downham

    Jennifer @ The Book Barbies — Virtuosity by Jessica Martinez

    Racquel @ The Book Barbies — If I Stay by Gayle Forman, Where She Went by Gayle Forman, Ten Things We Did (and Probably Shouldn't Have) by Sarah Mlynowski and Virtuosity by Jessica Martinez.

    Magan @ Rather Be Reading — Cracked Up to Be by Courtney Summers and The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chboksy

    Krazy Book Lady — Joint Mother/Daughter review of Geek Girl by Cindy C. Bennet

    Estelle @ Rather Be Reading — Fringe Girl by Valerie Frankel

    Katelyn @ Katelyn's Blog — Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

    Amanda @ Book Love 101 — Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

    Hannah @ Paperback Treasures — Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

    Bonnie @ A Backwards Story — Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

    Rachel @ Rachel Reads — The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson

    Ginger @ Greads! — Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley

    Farrah @ I Eat Words — Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley

    Amanda @ On a Book Bender — Cut by Patricia McCormick (guest review by Amanda)

    Karen @ For What It's Worth — Saving June by Hannah Harrington

    A Beautiful Madness — Dancergirl by Carol Tanzman, Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter (second in a series) and Saving June by Hannah Harrington.

    Ashley @ Book Labyrinth — I'm Not Her by Janet Gurtler

    Laura @ The Reading Nook — Lie by Caroline Bock

    Jamie @ Writers write, right? — The Boys Next Door by Jennifer Echols

    Rachel @ Fiktshun — Where You Are by Tammara Webber (second book in series)

    Melissa @ I Swim for Oceans — The Shattering by Karen Healy

    April @ Good Books & Good Wine — Playground by 50 Cent and Sweethearts by Sara Zarr

    Jamie @ The Perpetual Page Turner — Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green & David Levithan

    Anna @ Anna Reads — Kiss It by Erin Downing and Virtuosity by Jessica Martinez

    Jayme @ The Secret Life of an Avid Reader — Withering Tights by Louise Rennison

    Yani @ The Secret Life of an Avid Reader — Double Clutch by Elizabeth Reinhardt

    Chey @ The Hollow Cupboards — Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins and Ten Things We Did (and Probably Shouldn't Have) by Sarah Mlynowski

    Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf — North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley, Dancergirl by Carol Tanzman and Where You Are by Tammara Webber (second book in series)

    Farah @ Maji Bookshelf — The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things by Carolyn Mackler and Saving June by Hannah Harrington

    Chelsey @ Starry Sky Books — Rhymes with Cupid by Anna Humphrey

    Melissa @ This is Your Brain on Books — The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky and Beauty Queens by Libba Bray

    Mari @ Escape in a Good Book — All I Ever Wanted by Vikki Wakefield

    Nina @ Escape in a Good Book — Dancergirl by Carol Tanzman

    Sarah @ Whispering Words — Guitar Girl by Sarra Manning

    Cass @ Words on Paper — Audition by Stasia Kehoe

    Samual @ Books for All Seasons — Moving Day by Meg Cabot

    Lena @ Addicted to Novels — Love and Leftovers by Sarah Tregay and Saving June by Hannah Harrington

    Steph @ Steph Su Reads — Saving June by Hannah Harrington

    Giselle @ Xpresso Reads — Fury by Shirley Marr

    The Book Faery — Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday

    Tee @ Dreaming Dreams — Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins, Dash and Lily's Book of Dares by David Levithan and Rachel Cohn, and Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday.

    Lizz @ Dreaming Dreams — Want to Go Private? by Sarah Darer Littman

    Annette's Book Spot — Saving June by Hannah Harrington


    Mary @ Anxirium — Guest post w/ author Jennifer Castle about Being a Contemporary YA Writer

    Candace @ Candace's Book Blog interviewed Tara Altebrando.

    Krazy Book Lady interviewed Cindy C. Bennett

    Avid Reader Yani has a guest post from Elizabeth Reinhardt about dating

    Kody Keplinger interviewed Hannah Harrington

    Kirsten Hubbard is giving away Wanderlove bookmarks

    Hannah Harrington lists her Top Ten Road Trip Songs.


    Misty @ The Book Rat talks about her most anticipated Contemporary YA (and it's a linky! You can too!!)

    Molly Jo @ Surrounded by Words — Contemporary YA: A Love/Hate Relationship
    Danielle @ Alpha Reader talks about her favorite Aussie YA novels.
    Samual @ Books for All Seasons talks about favorite YA/MG Contemps about friendship

    Bonnie @ A Backwards Story
    Danya @ A Tapestry of Words

    More of the Tough Stuff posts that I missed last week:

    Candace @ Candace's Book Blog
    Bonnie @ A Backwards Story
    Sarah @ The Storybound Girl
    Amanda @ The Fiction Fairy

    Once again — If I've missed anything, Let me know!!:) I'd love to add your stuff to my link up!

  • 2012 Newbery & Printz Awards!

    Yesterday, the winners of the 2012 Newbery (MG) and Printz (YA) Awards were announced, along with the other ALA Award winners (Caldecott (illustrations) Morris (debut), Alex (adult w/ YA crossover appeal) etc).

    I apologize for both being a bit absent from the online world lately and not getting this posted yesterday. I had every intention of posting yesterday, but had to be to work before they were even finished announcing the winners. ANYWAY

    THE WINNERS!! (With commentary, of course: P)

    Newbery Award Winner:

    Dead End in Norvelt by Jack Gantos: I'll be honest with this, and admit that I'm disappointed. I don't actually know anything about this book, but I've read all four of the Joey Pigza books (book 2, Joey Pigza Loses Control won a Newbery Honor) and I have read his memoir(ish) book, Hole in My Life, which won a Printz Honor and I was not impressed with any of them. I'll read this one, but if I feel for it the way I've felt for his previous novels, it will be my last Gantos no matter what new awards he's won.

    Newbery Honors:

    Inside Out & Back Again by Thanhha Lai: This is one that I'm really excited to see. It has come highly recommended to me by Shannon at Books Devoured. It's also historical fiction, about the Vietnam era, which I think is very under mentioned in literature. And, it's a verse novel! I'm a huge fan of verse novels and love anything that gets them more attention! This has been on my TBR for a long time now, but knowing that it's won a Newbery Honor is going to push this to the very top of my TBR!

    Breaking Stalin's Nose by Eugene Yelchin: I hadn't heard anything about this book prior to the announcement. But now, I've had a chance to look it over, and I'm definitely intrigued! It actually sounds like it could be really amazing!

    I'll say that I'm quite surprised that out of three award/honors given., all are historical fiction. That's not something I think I've ever seen before and I find it very interesting. (In a good way, but interesting nonetheless).

    Printz Award Winner:

    Where Things Come Back by John Corey Whaley: Ginger over at Greads raved about this one a little while ago and her review was just so awesome that I immediately added this to my TBR/close watch list. It sounds absolutely amazing and although I haven't read it, I'm thrilled that it won because from everything I've seen, it's exactly my kind of book.

    Printz Honors:

    Why We Broke Up by Daniel Holder: This is a book that I was really surprised to see on the Printz list. I haven't read it yet, but it is one that has been on my list to read. But everything I had seen about it made is sound like more of a fun read than anything really serious. But it shall be interesting to read it and see what I actually think of it!

    The Returning by Christine Hinwood: This is another book that I knew nothing about prior to the announcement. Looking at Goodreads, it seems to be one of those books that you either REALLY like or you really... DON'T. But... umm... MELINA MARCHETTA BLURBED THIS BOOK. I WANT.

    Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey: This makes three books I had never even heard of before the announcements. It looks like it's another Historical Fiction, and the summary sounds intensely amazing. It sounds like there is really a lot of room for that book to just Wow and amaze you. Definitely one I'm going to need to get my hands on as soon as possible.

    The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater: This is the only book on the list that I've actually read before and it is, sadly, not a book I was a fan of. I won't get too detailed, but basically it's 390 pages of absolutely nothing exciting (although some of it is interesting and beautifully described), with about 10 interesting pages scattered throughout the novel and 10 exciting and climactic pages right and the very end. I can, however (almost) see why some people really love this one, and do think Maggie is a talented writer, even if this one wasn't for me (because no amount of pretty writing is enough to make up for nearly 400 pages of extreme nothing.)

    So there you have it! The winners of the Newbery & Printz awards as narrated by me!

    What do you think?! Any of these books you are excited for/about!? Do you agree/disagree/dislike/like my commentary?! Do you even pay attention to or care at all about the awards? Let me know what you think & how you are feeling!!

    AND — Stay tuned for tomorrow, because both Jacinda and I will be posting for the Award Winning Reads Challnege (have YOU signed up?!) and these books DO count!:)

  • 200th Post Giveaway # 1-AFRAID by Jack Kilborn & Free eBook Download!

    200th Post Giveaway # 1-AFRAID by Jack Kilborn & Free eBook Download!

    As I mentioned in my Teaser Tuesday post, I have a great bunch of giveaways lined up to celebrate my 200th post!

    The first "official" 200th post giveaway is for a copy of AFRAID, by Jack Kilborn. Check out my review here. Thanks to Brianne @ Hachette Book Group, I have FIVE copies to give away to my loyal readers.

    To enter, please answer the following question: What is the thing that you are most afraid of?

    • For additional entries, please blog/tweet about it. Please be sure to include a link to your blog/tweet in your comment.
    • All comments MUST contain an email address. Any comments without will be automatically deleted.
    • Contest runs through Friday, May 29th. Winner will be announced Monday, June 1st.
    • Contestants must reside in US or Canada only, please.
    • No P.O. Boxes.
    • Books will be sent directly from the publisher.

    And that's not all! You all know I'm a huge fan of e-books! Hachette has also provided an exclusive free ebook download! The book is called SERIAL, a terrifying tale of hitchhiking gone terribly wrong by Jack Kilborn and Blake Crouch. SERIAL is a horror novella. Like a deeply twisted version of an “After School Special,” it is the single most persuasive public service announcement on the hazards of free car rides.

    The SERIAL eBook also contains a Q&A with Kilborn and Crouch, author bibliographies, and excerpts from their most recent and forthcoming works: Kilborn’s Afraid and Crouch’s Abandon.

    Please click here to access the eBook. SERIAL is located under "Book Extras" in the bottom right-hand corner. You can download it either as a PDF file or there's also an ePub version of the book (the Sony eBook Reader format).

  • Just Contemporary Reading Challenge Announcement

    Today's Topic post is about what I'd like to see more of in Contemporary YA. And, to be perfectly honest, my answer to that question is simply — More. I'd like to see more of all of it. But even if Contemporary doesn't get as much publicity as some of the other genres right now, there is still a lot of it being written, and a lot of it being published. So rather than talking about what I'd like to see writers do that they aren't doing (because they are) or what publishers should be doing (because they try) I'm going to talk a little about what I want to see readers doing. But more than that — I'm going to put my metaphorical money where my mouth is and do something about it. But, I am only one person, so I need your help!

    What I really want to see more of in regards to Contemporary YA is readers well, reading it. I've been amazed and gladdened and thrilled by the response to Just Contemporary month. It's blown my mind. So many bloggers and authors and readers have gotten behind this event and participated and it's fabulous. But there are still people that I see saying, I don't think Contemporary is for me, or I've tried reading a Contemporary and couldn't get into it, or (I see this a lot) I read to escape, why would I want to read about real life?! But to be honest, I think there is something within the Contemporary genre for everyone.

    SO — I am hosting a reading challenge to encourage and promote Contemporary/Realistic YA!

    Rules/Guidelines/Important Info:

    This is a challenge to get people reading more Contemporary/Realistic Fiction.

    There are two possible ways to participate:

    The first is simple — Read Contemporary YA. Every single Contemporary counts. Challenge yourself to read more Contemporary YA than normal. If you never read it, add a few next year. If you are new to it, try for one a month. Or two a month. Or even more!

    The second is the same basic idea (read more) but it adds variety to what you pick. Instead of reading any Contemporary, this gets you to mix-it up. There are so many sub-genres within Contemporary that I want to encourage people to try more of them. This is a good place for those who already read a lot of Contemporary.

    If you want to participate in option 2, you can make it as strict or as flexible as you'd like. If you only read YA Romantic Comedies, reading one book about grief or even a romantic drama can qualify you for the second group. Reading to me is very personal, and Contemporary more so, IMO, than any other genre, so I'm letting that carry over into how you set your goals for this challenge.

    There will be monthly updates and mini-challenges and giveaways going up around the first of each month. Each month will be something different and (hopefully) fun. Participation in mini-challenges is optional. Some of the monthly challenges and 'games' will be the same between challenge group 1 & 2 and other months they will be different.

    Books must be read between January 1, 2012 and December 31st 2012.

    Any Contemporary YA book will count toward this challenge regardless of publication date.

    There will be a weekly link up for reviews. Reviews are not mandatory, but are strongly encouraged (spread the word!!) and extra entries into all relevant giveaways will be given for each review.
    Reviews can be posted to a blog, goodreads or, for those who don't use either, guest review options will be available as well.

    Extra entries for giveaways during any future Contemporary Event will also be awarded to participants of the challenge.

    You do not need to be a blogger to participate. International participants are completely welcome and although every giveaway will not be available to you, I will make sure that there are some open to you too.

    To sign up use the Linky below and tell me which of the two options you are signing up for and how many Contemporary books you would like to read next year. (So I would sign up as — Basically Amazing Ashley — 2; 52)

    And please share in more detail! I would absolutely love to see sign up posts where you declare your goals for the Challenge and let others know why you are participating, or leave me a comment with what you think of the challenge and what you hope to see from it! And, as always, if you need or want any Contemporary YA recommendations in any category or sub-category, let me know! If I can't find the perfect book for you, odds are pretty good I know someone else who might!

  • Announcement: Book Bloggers Top 10

    Jackie has compiled all of the entries for the Weekly Geeks Book Bloggers Top 10 of 2009, so it's time to vote for your favorite books of the year.

    Hop on over to the voting booth and exercise your right to vote!

    The poll will remain open until December 29th, but don't procrastinate...go check it out now!

    Thanks again to Jackie for all of her hard work, and thanks to everyone who posted their lists.

  • Southern Europe: Britain urged to begin talks on Parthenon marbles

    Southern Europe: Britain urged to begin talks on Parthenon marbles
    The British Government is refusing to negotiate with Greece about the return of the so-called Elgin Marbles despite a request to do so from the United Nations, a decision that could prompt Athens to begin legal action for the first time.

    Britain urged to begin talks on Parthenon marbles
    Athens prepares legal action over the UK's 'grubby' refusal to negotiate
    [Credit: Independent]

    British campaigners likened the UK’s stance to “clinging on to stolen booty for dear life” and contrasted it with the “generous act” of returning the sculptures to help a friendly country on the brink of economic collapse. Youth unemployment has hit 50 per cent and suicide rates have soared amid a crisis so severe the Financial Times has warned Greece could turn into a “quasi slave economy”.

    In 2013, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) invited the UK to take part in mediation about the marbles, created 2,500 years ago to decorate the Parthenon temple in Athens. Then last year it asked for a response by 31 March.

    However a Government source said the UK “won’t be able to make any significant announcement this side of the [May] election”.

    A motion calling for the UK to reply to Unesco and move to return the marbles is to be filed in the House of Commons on Monday.

    The failure to respond in time could prompt Greece to abandon decades of diplomacy and take legal action, possibly in the European Court of Human Rights. A team of lawyers in London, including leading QC Geoffrey Robertson and Amal Clooney, wife of actor George, is preparing a “book-length” document setting out the options.

    A source who has advised successive Greek governments said the main problem was finding a court to take jurisdiction in the case, but once that hurdle was overcome “then the lawyers are saying there is about a 75 to 80 per cent chance of success”.

    The marbles are regarded as some of the finest works of art in history and a symbol of the birth of Western civilisation. Some sculptures were taken to Britain by Lord Elgin in controversial circumstances just over 200 years ago when Greece was ruled by the Ottoman Empire.

    Dr Elena Korka, director of antiquities at the Greek Culture Ministry, said the central issue was “reunifying these exceptional, outstanding and most important sculptures, which belong as an integral part of a unique symbolic monument for the whole world”.

    “This is the essence of it, making something which exists today as whole as it can be… this is what the public wants, every poll shows it. It’s such an important issue. Even if Greece didn’t ask for it, the whole world would,” she said.

    She said if the British authorities relented it would be “a day of true joy, not only for the monument itself but I think for the value of the gesture for the sake of co-operation”. “It would definitely help the [public] morale. It would be a huge boost,” she said.

    Asked about the prospect of legal action, Dr Korka said Greece was “still so much into the process of mediation that we’re not thinking of the next step”. “We haven’t exhausted the possibilities so let’s not go so fast,” she said.

    She added that the UK’s silence since 2013 was “not so polite really”.

    David Hill, chairman of the International Association for the Reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures in Australia, said there was a “growing appreciation even among people who are timid about the prospect of litigation that we have reached the point of last resort if this UNESCO gambit fails. The diplomatic and political strategies of the last 30 years have not produced any progress at all.”

    Polls have consistently showed strong support in Britain for returning the marbles. In November, a survey for The Times found there was a two-to-one majority in favour.

    Andrew George, chairman of Marbles Reunited and Liberal Democrat MP for St Ives, said: “One of our friends is down on their uppers and we can offer something to them that might make their lives easier and give them a lift, which can only be good for their economy.

    “It would be a generous act which would improve Britain’s standing in the world. At the moment we look rather grubby… like we are clinging on to stolen booty for dear life.”

    He said he planned to lodge an early day motion in the Commons tomorrow calling for  the Government to “demonstrate that Britain is prepared to... reunite these British-held Parthenon sculptures with those now displayed in the purpose-built Acropolis Museum in the shadow of the monument to which they belong, the Parthenon in Athens”.

    The British Museum, which denies Elgin stole the marbles, argues that it “tells the story of cultural achievement throughout the world” and the Parthenon sculptures are “a significant part of that story”. It regards itself as “a unique resource for the world” with visitors able to “re-examine cultural identities and explore the complex network of interconnected human cultures” within its walls.

    “The Parthenon Sculptures are a vital element in this interconnected world collection. They are a part of the world’s shared heritage and transcend political boundaries,” it says.

    The Department for Culture, Media and Sport said it would “respond in due course” to UNESCO.

    Author: Ian Johnston | Source: Indpendent [March 07, 2015]

  • For All You Harry Potter Fans!

    For All You Harry Potter Fans!

    This was published in today's Publishers Lunch.

    Trade Version of Rowling's "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" Coming

    J K Rowling's TALES OF BEEDLE THE BARD--the book of wizarding folk tales referred to in the Deathly Hallows se she wrote by hand and illustrated herself, producing only seven copies, one which was bought at auction by Amazon for $4 million--will be issued in a trade edition after all, on December 4. Rowling will also add "notes by Professor Albus Dumbledore, which appear by generous permission of the Hogwarts Headmasters' Archive."Amazon will produce up to 100,000 facsimile "collector's editions" (at $100/50 pounds) and Scholastic and Bloomsbury will print and distribute trade editions--all on behalf of the Children's High Level Group, a charity co-founded by Rowling to help children suffering in institutions. (CHLG is technically the publisher.)The charitable group will receive all "net proceeds," estimated in the release to be about $8 million. Though in a quote from Rowling, she says the charity will receive the "royalties." (Note that Amazon's edition alone would gross $10 million...).Rowling says in the announcement: "There was understandable disappointment among Harry Potter fans when only one copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard was offered to the public last December. I am therefore delighted to announce that, thanks to the generous support of Bloomsbury, Scholastic and Amazon (who bought the handwritten copy at auction) - and with the blessing of the wonderful people who own the other six original books - The Tales of Beedle the Bard will now be widely available to all Harry Potter fans."